注音 一ㄢˊ ㄓ 一ㄡˇ ㄨˋ
拼音 yán zhī yǒu wù
⒈ 說話或寫文章有實際內容,不空洞。語本《易·家人》:“君子以言有物,而行有恆。”
言之有理: 說話有道理。例抓住哲學爭論的界線使其言之有理。英there's a point there; plausible;
言必有中: 一說就說到關鍵、要害的地方。形容說話恰當得體。例夫人不言,言必有中。——《論語·先進》英whenever one say sth.,one hits the nail on the head; what one says is always to point;
持之有故: 所持觀點,查有依據。英have sufficient grounds for one's views;
言簡意賅: 語言雖精練簡潔,但已概括要義。英words are few,but they contain profound truth; be precise and to the point;