注音 ㄐ一 ㄒ一ˊ ㄋㄢˊ ㄍㄞˇ
拼音 jī xí nán gǎi
⒈ 長期形成的習慣難以改變。
英too difficult to get rid of deep-rooted habits; ingrained habits cannot be cast off overnight;
⒉ 亦作“積習難除”
積重難返: 積存的問題或陋習很深,難以改變。英bad old practices die hard; it is difficult to get rid of deep-rooted practices; ingrained habits cannot be cast off overnight;
本性難移: 移:改變。指一個人的本來性格難以改變。例虧殺前人在那裡,更休說本性難移。——元·關漢卿《竇娥冤》你總是這樣不愛收拾,屢次說你,你總不聽。真是江山易改,本性難移!——巴金《家》英one's nature can hardly be altered; can the Ethiopion change,or the leopard his spots ? -Bible;
故態復萌: 舊日不好的行為舉止再次表現出來。例只等撫臺一走,依然是故態復萌。——清·李寶嘉《官場現形記》英old habits come back again; revert to one's old way of life; one's old manners are restored;