注音 ㄉㄨˋ ㄐㄩㄝˊ ㄏㄡˋ ㄏㄨㄢˋ
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⒈ 杜絕:堵塞、斷絕;患:禍害、禍患。指徹底消除以後可能產生的禍患。
防微杜漸: 當壞事、壞思想、壞作風剛剛冒頭的時候,就加以制止,不讓它發展下去。英arrest what seems to be the begining of an unwholesome trend; check erronrous ideas at the outset;
除惡務盡: 驅除邪惡,務求徹底乾淨。例唐以屢赦而成藩鎮之禍,蔓草難圖,除惡務盡。——《野叟曝言》七一回。英evil must be completely eradicated; Evils must be pulled up by the roots.One must be thorough in exterminating an evil;
杜漸防微: 見“防微杜漸”英be precautious beforehand; guard against creepint corruption or malpractice;