注音 ㄕㄜˇ ㄅㄣˇ ㄓㄨˊ ㄇㄛˋ
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▸ 貪小失大 ▸ 掘地尋天 ▸ 捨本求末 ▸ 捨近求遠 ▸ 尋流逐末 ▸ 輕重倒置 ▸ 事倍功半 ▸ 買櫝還珠 ▸ 本末倒置 ▸ 南轅北轍 ▸ 損本逐末 ▸ 秦伯嫁女 ▸ 本末顛倒 ▸ 因小失大 ▸ 勞民傷財 ▸ 離本趣末
⒈ 指做事捨棄根本的部分,卻過多地追求細枝末節,形容輕重倒置。也說“捨本求末”
英attend to trifles to the neglect of essentials; be penny wise and pound foolish;
貪小失大: 貪求小利而失卻大利。英convet a little and lose a lot; seek small gains but incur big losses;
掘地尋天: 掘:挖;尋:找。挖地找天。比喻行為與目的相反,違反現實,不可能如願。
捨本求末: 放棄根本,追求末節。
捨近求遠: 形容做事走彎路或追求不切實際的東西。也說“捨近謀遠”例這種東西本地就出產,無需捨近求遠到外地去訂購。英seek far and wide for what lies close at hand; be careless for the present and scheme for the future;
尋流逐末: 猶捨本求末。
輕重倒置: 謂把重要的和不重要的弄顛倒了。
事倍功半: 指費力多而收穫少。英get half the result with twice the effort;
買櫝還珠: 買珠只取包裝的盒子而退還珠子。比喻沒有眼光,取捨失當。英show lack of judgement as one who buys the glittering casket and return the pearls to the seller;
南轅北轍: 與事實相反,背道而馳。例使南轅北轍,無苦征途。——《福惠全書》英try to go south by driving the chariot north-act in a way that defeats one's purpose;⒉ 截然相反。英poles apart,poles asunder;
損本逐末: 猶“捨本逐末”。謂拋棄根本,專在枝節上用功夫。英look for the tip of the branch while give up the trunk of the tree;
因小失大: 由於小事疏忽而誤了大事。⒉ 指因圖小利而造成大的損失。
勞民傷財: 原指國家大事處理不當,因而大量浪費人力物力。現在常指做了多餘的事,造成浪費。例沒有計劃好就開工,造成返工,勞民傷財,該誰負責?英harass the people and drain the treasury; waste money and manpower; make people work hard and waste money for nothing;
離本趣末: 丟掉根本,追逐末節。