注音 ㄓㄨㄤˋ ㄓˋ ㄨㄟˋ ㄔㄡˊ
拼音 zhuàng zhì wèi chóu
⒈ 遠大的志向沒有實現。
功敗垂成: 功業即將取得成就之時突然失敗了。例毋使臨渴而掘井,功敗垂成。——《孽海花》我明白,這個向來有淚不輕彈的硬漢,之所以傷心落淚,是在為自己那努力多年而功敗垂成的事業感到惋惜。英There's many a slip between the cup and the lip; fail in a great undertaking on the verge of success;
事與願違: 事情的發展與願望相違背。英things go contrary to one's wishes;
付之東流: 見“付諸東流”英all one’s efforts wasted; be irrevocally lost as sth. is thrown into the eastward flowing stream; cast to the winds;