注音 ㄊㄨㄛˋ ㄇ一ㄢˋ ㄗˋ ㄍㄢ
拼音 tuò miàn zì gān
⒈ 人家往自己臉上吐唾沫,不擦掉而讓它自幹。指受了侮辱,極度容忍,不加反抗,也指人不知羞恥。
英drain the cup of humiliation; extreme obsequiousness as one who in spat on the face and let dry without wiping;
犯而不校: 別人觸犯自己也不計較。亦作:犯而勿校。
委曲求全: 勉強遷就,以求保全;顧全大局,暫時忍讓。英compromise out of consideration for the general interest; make concessions to achieve one's purpose; stoop to compromise;
逆來順受: 對惡劣的環境或無禮的待遇隱忍而不抗爭。例媳婦並不是逆來順受的女人,只會給這位婆母碰釘子。英bear one's hard lot as well as one can; grin and bear it; meekly accept humiliations;
虛己以聽: 形容接受意見的態度誠懇。