
注音 ㄎㄡˇ ㄇ一ˋ ㄈㄨˋ ㄐ一ㄢˋ

拼音 kǒu mì fù jiàn




⒈  口中說話極親切,心計多端圖謀害人。

the kiss of death; honey-mouthed and dagger-hearted;

佛口蛇心:  比喻嘴上說得好聽,心腸卻非常狠毒。

言不由衷:  所說的話不是發自內心。形容口是心非。例言不由衷,質無益也。——《左傳·隱公三年》英speak with one's tongue in one's cheek; say what one does not mean;

口是心非:  口所言說與心所思想不一致。例他的偽善和口是心非是無以復加的,幾乎是堂而皇之的。英duplicity; say yes and mean no;

陽奉陰違:  當眾同意背後反對。例如有日與胥徒比,而陽奉陰違,名去實存者,斷以白簡隨其後。——《明臣奏議·革大戶行召募疏》英overtly agree, but covertly oppose; out wardly obey but inwardly oppose;

嘴甜心苦:  出言和善而居心狠毒。

甜言蜜語:  投合心意的好聽的話,多指為討好人或哄騙人而說的。例大多數人愛聽甜言蜜語。英honeyed words and phrases; oily tongue; glib talk;

心口不一:  心裡想的和嘴上說的不是一回事。形容人的虛偽、詭詐。例我是這們個直性子,希罕就說希罕,不是這們心口不一的。——《醒世姻緣傳》英say what one doesn't think;

綿裡藏針:  喻外表看來溫柔,軟弱,實則內心刻毒強硬。英ruthless character behind a gentle appearance is like a needle hidden in silk floss;⒉  形容柔弱中蘊剛強。

兩面三刀:  比喻背地裡詆譭別人,挑撥是非。例你這兩面三刀的東西,我不希罕。——《紅樓夢》英double-dealing; fire in one hand and water in the other; double-faced tactics;

笑裡藏刀:  形容外貌和善,內心狠毒。例這是笑裡藏刀,言清行濁的人。——《水滸傳》英velvet paws hide sharp claws; cover the dagger with smile; daggers hiden behind smiles; There are daggers in man' s smile;
