
注音 ㄌ一ㄤˋ ㄘㄞˊ ㄌㄨˋ ㄩㄥˋ

拼音 liàng cái lù yòng




⒈  按照才能大小分配合適的工作。


employ a person according to his abilities; give sb. employment suited to his abilities;

人盡其才:  每個人都能充分發揮其才能和智慧。例若乃人盡其才,悉用其力。——《淮南子·兵略訓》英everyone can do his best;

以貌取人:  只根據外貌來判斷一個人的品質才能。英a book by its cover judge people by naeural appearance;

任人唯賢:  用人只以德才為標準,而不管他跟自己關係如何。英appoint people on their merits; appoint people according to their political integrity and ability;

選賢舉能:  見“選賢與能”。

量力而行:  按照自己能力大小去做事。例朕當量力而行,然定可否。——唐·吳兢《開元昇平源》英act according to one’s capability; do what one is capable to;

量體裁衣:  比喻根據實際情況辦事。例我們應該量體裁衣,各家的經濟基礎不同,我們應該從我們的實際出發。英act according to actual circumstances;

量入為出:  支出在數量或程度上不超過收入。例居家過日子要量入為出。英base one's expenditure upon one's income; live within income; plan one's expenditure in the light of one's income;⒉  根據收入情況確定支出限度。例並用籌策,計較府庫,量入為出。——《三國志·衛覬傳》英make ends meet; spend no more than one's income; stretch one's legs according to the coverlet;

陳力就列:  指在所任職位上能恪盡職守。

試才錄用:  指根據他人的能力大小給予錄用。

量能授官:  衡量才能,授予相應官職。