注音 一ˋ ㄓㄥˋ ㄘˊ 一ㄢˊ
拼音 yì zhèng cí yán
▸ 理直氣壯 ▸ 言之成理 ▸ 振振有詞 ▸ 理正詞直 ▸ 義形於色 ▸ 入情入理
⒈ 持論合理,言詞嚴正;道理正當,措詞嚴肅。
英severity in speech and fairness in principal;
理直氣壯: 理由充分,言行因而有氣勢。例只要我們理直氣壯,怕他怎的!英be in the right and selfconfident; be self-confident on the strength of one's being right; justly and forcefully; speak with compelling argument;
言之成理: 話說得有道理。英there's a point there; plausible;
振振有詞: 自以為理由充分地大發議論。例雙方都振振有詞,互不相讓。他揮著手勢,振振有詞地說了一片大道理。
理正詞直: 道理正當,言詞樸直。
義形於色: 正義之氣顯現於神色。也指義憤的心情顯露在臉上。英with indignation written on one's face; one's face shows no compromise with evil;
入情入理: 比喻合乎情理。例入情入理的分析。英reasonable;