注音 ㄓㄢ ㄑ一ㄢˊ ㄍㄨˋ ㄏㄡˋ
拼音 zhān qián gù hòu
▸ 左顧右盼 ▸ 畏首畏尾 ▸ 首鼠兩端 ▸ 當斷不斷 ▸ 猶豫不決 ▸ 投鼠忌器 ▸ 顧後瞻前
⒈ 看看前面,再看看後面,指辦事考慮細緻周密,也指顧慮太多,猶豫不定。
英look ahead and behind—be overcautious and indecisive;
左顧右盼: 不斷向左右兩邊看。例他走得十分慢,左顧右盼,像在尋找什麼似的。英glance right and left; look around;
畏首畏尾: 形容做事膽小,多所猜忌顧慮,畏縮不前。英be full of misgivings; be frightened all over; be over-cautious;
首鼠兩端: 形容遲疑不決、瞻前顧後。例像吳三桂那樣首鼠兩端的人,在初對於自成本有歸順之心,只是尚在躊躇觀望而已。——郭沫若《甲申三百年祭》英can’t decide which to follow; be undecided in course of action like a rat's head looking two ways;
當斷不斷: 該作出決斷的時候不能決斷。形容臨事猶豫不決。
猶豫不決: 猶豫:遲疑。拿不定主意。
投鼠忌器: 投打靠近器物的老鼠怕傷了器物。比喻想打擊壞人而又有所顧忌,怕傷害好人而不敢作為。英throw something at a rat,but afraid to break the vase; caution in taking action; burn not your house to rid it of the mouse; spare the rat to save the dishes; those who live in grass house should not throw stones;
顧後瞻前: 同“瞻前顧後”。