注音 ㄩˋ ㄕˊ ㄐㄨˋ ㄈㄣˊ
拼音 yù shí jù fén
▸ 不分玉石 ▸ 休慼與共 ▸ 一視同仁 ▸ 蘭艾同焚 ▸ 玉石皆碎 ▸ 患難與共 ▸ 玉石俱摧 ▸ 玉石不分 ▸ 生死與共 ▸ 風雨同舟 ▸ 同歸於盡 ▸ 兩敗俱傷
⒈ 美玉和石頭一齊燒燬了。比喻好和壞的同歸於盡。
英good people are destroyed with the bad as the jade and stone are burned up together;
不分玉石: 謂無有區別,同歸於盡。
休慼與共: 彼此間的幸福和禍患都共同承受。英share weal and woe; stand together through thick and thin;
一視同仁: 不加區別;相同對待。英treat equally without discrimination;
蘭艾同焚: 蘭:香草。艾:臭草。比喻美的與醜的一同毀滅。例蘭艾同焚,賢愚所嘆。——《晉書·孔坦傳》英impose the same destiny upon the noble and the mean alike;
玉石皆碎: 猶玉石俱焚。
患難與共: 共同擔當災禍和困難。英go through thick and thin together; share each other's hardships;
玉石俱摧: 猶玉石俱焚。
玉石不分: 比喻好壞不分。⒉ 比喻好壞同歸於盡。
生死與共: 無論生和死都在一起,形容情誼很深。例幾十年來,周總理與我父親生死與共,休慼相關。——《深情憶念周伯伯》英share the same destiny;
風雨同舟: 在狂風暴雨中同船共渡。比喻患難與共,同舟共濟。英stand together through thick and thin; people in the same boat should help each other in distress;
同歸於盡: 跟對立的人一起滅亡。英all come to an end; both sides will be doomed; end in commonruin; perish together;
兩敗俱傷: 爭鬥的雙方都受到損失。例倘若大人再要回護他三人,將來一定兩敗俱傷,於大人反為無益。——清·李寶嘉《官場現形記》英internecine; both parties be weakened by mutual homicide; both being defeated and wounded; both sides suffer; cut one another's throat; neither side gains;