
注音 ㄊ一ㄥˇ ㄕㄣ ㄦˊ ㄔㄨ

拼音 tǐng shēn ér chū




⒈  遇險臨危,奮身勇出,負起重任。

step forward boldly; stand up and volunteer to help; fling oneself into the breach;

自告奮勇:  自願請求擔任某種艱鉅的工作。英offer to undertake; come forward of one’s own accord; volunteer to do sth.;

馬不停蹄:  奔波忙碌,不得休息。比喻時刻不停頓地前進。英continuous; hurried journey without a stop;

無所畏懼:  大膽;毫不懼怕地面對險情和難題,迎著困難上。例膽小一些的人可能會猶豫,而他完全是無所畏懼的。英fearless; daring; dauntless; bold;

見義勇為:  意識到是正義之舉就大膽去做。英see what is right and have the courage to do it; be ready to take up the cudgets for a just cause; do boldly what is righteous; be zealous in doing what is righteous in seeing it;

毛遂自薦:  毛遂為趙國平原君門下客,他見平原君挑選二十名說客去聯楚抗秦尚缺一人,就自薦前往。比喻自告奮勇要求擔任職務或工作。例這個差使,兄弟一定毛遂自薦。——《文明小史》英volunteer one's services as Mao sui once did; sell oneself;

奮勇向前:  奮發而努力鼓起勇氣朝前方挺進。

勇往直前:  毫無畏懼地一直向前。例從俱摩拳擦掌,個個勇往直前。——《封神演義》英strike bravely forward; go ahead boldly; advance courageously;
