注音 一 ㄑ一ㄥ ㄦˋ ㄔㄨˇ
拼音 yī qīng èr chǔ
▸ 涇渭分明 ▸ 一清二白 ▸ 一五一十 ▸ 歷歷在目 ▸ 清清楚楚 ▸ 歷歷 ▸ 歷歷可數 ▸ 瞭如指掌 ▸ 黑白分明 ▸ 一目瞭然 ▸ 一覽無餘
⒈ 非常清楚。
英be ferfecely clear; as clear as daylight;
涇渭分明: 涇、渭二水,一清一濁,雖合流匯聚,卻清濁分明。比喻是非明瞭,境界清楚。英as different as the waters of the Jinghe and the Weihe;
一清二白: 非常清白。例素來一清二白。英be perfectly spotless;⒉ 同“一清二楚”例記得一清二白。英be perfectly clear; as clear as daylight;
一五一十: 比喻敘述事情像點數那樣詳盡無遺。例這婦人聽了這話,也不回言;卻踅過來,一五一十,都對王婆和西門慶說了。——《水滸傳》英whole story as it had happened;
歷歷在目: 清楚地顯示在眼前。例歷歷在目,疑其類墟墓間事,不祥也。——宋·洪邁《夷堅志》英come clearly into view; leap before the eyes; be still alive in one's memory;
清清楚楚: 清晰明白有條理。
歷歷: 物體或景象一個個清晰分明。例歷歷可數。歷歷在目。英distinctly; clearly;
歷歷可數: 清清楚楚的數出來。例珠歷歷可數也。——明·魏學洢《核舟記》英clearly count;
瞭如指掌: 形容對情況極為清楚。例對他們的活動,他完全瞭如指掌。英have sth.at one’s fingertips; know as one know his ten fingers; know like a book; know as well as a beggar knows his bag;
黑白分明: 比喻好與壞分得清清楚楚。例黑白分明,然後民知所去就。——漢·董仲舒《春秋繁露·保信權》英in sharp contrast;
一目瞭然: 一眼就看得很清楚。英as clear as day; see with half an eye;
一覽無餘: 南朝·宋·劉義慶《世說新語·言語》:“江左地促,不如中國,若使阡陌條暢,則一覽而盡,故紆餘委曲,若不可測。”後以“一覽無餘”謂一眼即可全見。