

  Pros good things

  1 Bulk mail pours in so you always have something to read.

  2 Free paper you can use to clean up spills.

  3 It keeps you up to date on new products.

  4 It is always there.


  1 垃圾郵件鋪天蓋地,所以你總有東西可讀。

  2 你可以得到免費的紙張來擦汙物。

  3 你可以及時地知道新產品的資訊。

  4 垃圾郵件時刻存在。

  Cons Bad things

  1 Junk mail fills your mailbox and makes it messy.

  2 Looking through unwanted bulk mail wastes time that you should be working.

  3 Some spam may include bugs or viruses.

  4 Once your address is known by one company, they may sell it to 100 more.

  5 It is always there.


  1 垃圾郵件塞滿了你的郵箱,使你的郵箱雜亂。

  2 看你本不想看的垃圾郵件浪費了你本應該用來工作的時間。

  3 一些電子垃圾郵件有電腦病毒。

  4 一旦你的地址被一個公司知道,他們會將你的地址賣給另外100個地方。

  5 它時刻存在,沒完沒了。