



  申請人------年開始攻讀-------學位,學制--------年.目前-------------------------------------------基礎課程完成情況, ---------------------------------實驗進行情況,-----------------------------------------------------科研訓練情況,學位論文為《------------------------------------》,--------------------------------------------申請專案與學位論文的關係,------------------足以保證對申請專案的研究時間.

  申請人具有承擔該專案的科研能力,---------------------------------在相關領域從事臨床/科研工作情況,積累了較多經驗,發表國內外論文--------篇,在-----------------研究方面提出了新的思路和方法 ,---------------------------------------,希望貴校能接受這位人才!




  Dear Sir or Madam,

  I take great pleasure in recommending Miss Kathleen Lu for the acceptance into your distinguished communication Master program. Being the director of xxx in PR, Ogilvy China, I have a very good chance to observe her performance and communicate with her in our daily work in the past one month.

  Ogilvy & Mather PR China is the China's number one public relations consultancy, covering a wide range of Technology, Health and Medical, Corporate and Finance, Public Affairs and Strategic Marketing practices. We offer professional service for most top 500 multi-national companies and we have strict requirements for our employees. Even for intern, there are rigid paper-based test and interviews. Kathleen’s talent and potential outshined her among tons of applicants.

  What impressed me the most is Kathleen’s strategic thinking. In interview, she presented an additional document, a report about HealthCare PR in Chinese market, in which she analyzed market share of each PR agencies and proposed Ogilvy’s HealthCare market expansion strategy. It is really surprise to see such a strategic statement from a student who had no related educational background. I think she is the very candidate we are looking for.

  Kathleen is extremely smart and highly efficient in daily work. Her main responsibility is media monitoring—collecting information from every possible channel, filtering out the elite part as the material for news clipping. To offer a professional and accurate consulting for the clients, she always self-learnt related knowledge when she got involved a new project. At very beginning of her internship, she finish an English xxxxxx tell the nature of the report report for clients in only one week, which received positive feedback from clients. She at the same time participated in several projects. The heavy workload never frustrated her, and instead motivated her to find out efficient way to solve problems.

  What impressed me most is that she is highly motivated to go extra miles to support her daily routine. To help the clients better response to the media in the press conference, she initiatively prepared the briefing book of suggested answers to the possible questions from journalists. Such a report guaranteed the success of the activity.






  優勢:該生學習刻苦,成績優秀,具有紮實的基礎理論知識和廣泛的專業知識;具有較強的聽,說,讀,寫,譯的能力。學習態度認真仔細,並且具有較強的邏輯思維和創新思維的能力。該生還參與申請了一項國家級科研專案,科研能力突出。 劣勢:該生還缺乏鍛鍊和將專業技能運用到實戰的經驗。

  對該生社會實踐活動方面的介紹: 該生積極參加社會實踐活動,並取得不錯的成績。該生在大二暑假參加了暑期社會實踐活動,深入貧困地區,調查“免費午餐計劃”實施情況,成果顯著。大量的社會實踐活動經歷鍛鍊了其能力,拓寬了其視野,為該生今後發展打下基礎。