With all its beauty, the lotus needs green leaves to set it off.
More people produce greater strength, more logs make a bigger fire.
.勿以善小而不為 雪中送碳。
The snow to send carbon.
I help others, can get the help of others.
the great distance delivers the goose feathers, the ritual light friendship is heavy
Treasure is not really rich, solidarity is happiness.
Happiness lie in rendering help to others
Find in helping others is a virtue.
Modernization need find in helping others spirit.
Find in helping others is the embodiment of communism world outlook.
Find in helping others is a virtue.
Only when all contribute their firewood can they build up a strong fire,
When we lift people, we are likewise lifted
As one fence needs three stakes, a good guy needs three fellows.
Good things come in small packages.
I just do something to my meager to serve truth and justice services.
A genuine scholar truly amazing place, is secretly do many great work and was not so famous.
For the people, the biggest joy, the biggest happiness is to sacrifice their own spiritual strength to others.
A man's value to the community, first of all depends on his feelings. Thought and action has much effect on the promotion of human interests.
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