
  春節要到了,大家都知道新年快樂的英語怎麼說了,春節過後就是元宵,大家知道元宵的英語怎麼說嗎?用英語怎麼介紹元宵呢?小編先預祝大家春節快樂,元宵快樂,Happy Lantern Festival! 元宵節快樂,小編為大家彙總了一些關於2016年元宵英語手抄報的資料和相關內容,大家可作為參考,希望大家能夠獲得幫助:


  Today is the festival of lanterns, also is my birthday, festival of lanterns is the day which each family reunite, the festival of lanterns evening can have the fireworks party, but the daddy is police, needs to maintain the order, therefore, the common daddy cannot celebrate a birthday to me, therefore, my birthday all in grandmother the family, I also has been able to be very happy generally, tonight, we have not exited to view the lanterns, but is watches the television in the home, had not thought developed that quickly.Now thinks that, I have grown up a year old, I had to begin school immediately, I will be supposed in the next semester even more diligently!






  除夕 New Year's Eve

  春節 the Spring Festival

  國際勞動婦女節 International Working Women's Day

  清明節 ChingMing Festival 或 Tomb-sweeping Festival

  國際勞動節 International Labour Day

  端午節the Dragon Boat Festival

  國際兒童節 International Children's Day

  建軍節 the Army's Day

  中秋節 Mid-autumn Festival

  教師節 Teachers' Day

  重陽節 Double ninth festival

  國慶節 National Day7