


  1. deserve to do sth. 值得/應該做……

  2. encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓勵某人去做某事

  3. enjoy doing sth. 樂意去做某事

  4. expect ***sb.*** to do sth. 期望去做某事

  5. fail to do sth. 做某事失敗 succeed doing sth. 成功做了某事

  6. finish doing sth. 做完某事***後接動詞-ing形式*** ***常考***

  7. follow sb to do sth. 跟隨某人去做某事

  8. get sb. to do sth. make sb. do sth. let sb. do sth.

  9. get/have a chance to do sth. 得到一個做某事的機會

  10. give/pass/show/lend/sell sb. sth./ sth. to sb. buy/get/bring sb. sth. / sth. for sb.

  11. go on to do sth. 繼續做事***常考*** go on doing sth. 繼續做事***常考***

  12. hate to do/doing sth. 討厭/不喜歡做某事

  13. have fun doing sth.

  14. have problems doing sth. 做某事遇到困難

  15. have sb. do sth. have sth. done have sth. to do 有事要做

  16. hear sb. do sth. 聽到某人做某事***後接動詞原形,常考*** hear sb. doing sth. 聽到某人正在做某事***常見***

  17. help to do sth. 幫忙做某事help sb. ***to*** do sth. 幫助某人做某事

  18. hope/wish to do sth. 希望做某事 wish sb. to do sth. 希望某人做某事

  19. I t seems that 這像是……***後接從句*** seem to do sth. seem +adj.

  20. It’s + adj.+***for sb.*** to do sth.


  1. It takes sb. some time/money to do sth. 花費某人多長時間做某事***常考***

  2. pay …for… cost spend…on….. it take …to do sth.

  3. It’s best for sb to do sth.. 對某人來說做某事是最好的

  had better do sth. 最好做某事 ***注意had沒有時態和人稱的變化,better後接動詞原形***

  4.It’s time for sb. to do sth. 是某人做某事的時候了

  5. keep ***on***doing sth. 堅持做某事***常考*** keep sb. doing sth. 讓某人做某事***常考***

  keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事***常考*** keep sb./ sth. +adj.

  keep the book for 2 days 借這本書兩天***不要用borrow或lend***

  6. learn to do sth. 學做某事 learn sth. from sb. 向某人學習

  7. like to do/doing sth. 喜歡做某事 like sb. to do sth. 喜歡某人做某事

  8. need to do sth. need doing sth./to be done need sth . needn’t do sth.

  9. prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. 寧願……而不願……***常考***

  prefer doing sth. to doing sth. 喜歡做……勝過做……

  e.g: I prefer reading books to going shopping. 比起購物來,我更愛讀書。

  prefer to do sth. 喜歡***愛***做某事

  10. refuse to do sth. 拒絕做……


  1. allow sb. to do sth. 允許某人去做某事

  My father allowed me to go out for a walk after finishing my homework.

  2. asked sb. ***not*** to do sth. 叫某人做事某事***叫某人不要去做某事***

  My father asked me to study hard. He asked me not to swim alone.

  be asked to do sth. 被叫去做某事/被邀請去做某事

  I was asked to have a dinner with them yesterday.

  3. be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事 She is afraid to ask me questions.

  4. be afraid of doing sth. 害怕做某事 I am afraid of going out at night.

  5. be afraid of sth. 害怕某物 He is afraid of snakes.

  6. be amazed to do sth. 對做某事感到驚訝 He was amazed to meet the girl there. be amazed at sth. 對某事感到驚訝 they were amazed at the news

  7. be busy doing/with sth. 忙於做某事 ***常考*** e.g: I was busy washing my car at that time. 那時候我正忙於清洗我的車子。 I am busy with my work.

  8. be coming/going/leaving/fiying/moving/dying***某些位移動詞用進行時態時表將來*** the bus is coming/the dog is dying.

  9. be excited to do sth. 對做……感到興奮 Jacky was excited to travel there by plane. be excited at sth. Lily was excited at his words. be excited about doing sth. he was excited about passing the exam without going overing books.

  10. be frightened to do sth. 害怕去做某事 Sam is frightened to ride a horse.

  11. be glad/happy to do sth. 高興去做某事 she is happy to clean the blackboard with me. be pleased to do sth.

  高興做某事 she was pleased to help the old man yesterday be pleased with sth.

  對某事感到高興/滿意 the teacher was pleased with my answer.

  12. be interested in sth./doing sth. 對某事感興趣/對做某事感興趣

  she is interested in swimming in the river. My brother is interested in Chinese.

  13. be/get ready for/to do sth. Be ready for sth. 為某事做好了準備

  We are ready for the exam. Be ready to do sth.

  為做某事做好了準備We are ready to have a birthday party for her. get ready for sth.

  為某事在做準備 We are getting ready for the exam.

  get ready for sth. 為做某事而做準備

  13. be sorry to do sth. 對做某事感到抱歉

  14. be surprised to do sth. 對做某事感到驚奇

  be surprised at sth. 對某事感到驚奇

  15. be worth doing sth. 值得做某事

  ***worth 後接動詞-ing形式,常考***

  16. begin to do sth. begin/start to do/doing sth.

  17. can/be able to afford ***to buy*** sth. 有能力購買***供***……

  18. can/may/must do sth. could/would/should/might do sth.

  19. can’t wait to do sth. 迫不急待地去做某事

  20. decide to do sth. 決定去做某事

  make up one’s mind to do sth. 下決心去做某事 ***常考***

  make a decision to do sth. 對做某事作出決定

