










pen, student, desk



school, family, class




tea, water, paper



work, time, news




Marx, Shanghai,China, The Great Wall, Party





  1. 一般情況下,在詞尾加 —s. .例如maps desks days dogs

  2. 以s, x, sh, ch結尾的名詞後面加—es class—classes box—boxes brush—brushes watch—watches

  3. 以e結尾的名詞後面加—s houses

  4. 以 —f 或 —fe 結尾的名詞,把 —f 或—fe 變成 —ves

  bookshelves, wives , knives

  5. 以子音+y 結尾的名詞,變 y 為 i, 再加 es,但要注意的是以母音字母加y結尾的名詞複數形式只加s如boys days babies factories

  6. 以子音 + o 結尾的名詞,加 —es, heroes potatoes tomatoes但詞末為兩個母音字母的詞只加s,radios,photos,zoos等。

  7. 以th結尾的名詞加-s truth-truths,mouth-mouths, month-months, path-paths


  8. 少數名詞有不規則的複數形式,

  例如: man — men, woman — women, foot — feet, tooth — teeth,mouse — mice, sheep — sheep, dear — dear, fish — fish, child— children. people—people ,Chinese— Chinese. Japanese— Japanese.


  注意與man和 woman 構成的合成詞,其複數形式也是men 和women例如: an Englishman two Englishmen 但注意 Germans, Canadians; man, woman 等作定語時,它的單複數以其所修飾的名詞的單複數而定,如:men workers, women teachers.

  9. 單數形式但其意為複數的名詞有people, police等部分集體名詞既可以作單數***整體***也可以作複數***成員***audience, class, family, crowd, group, government,population, team, public

  10. 英語中有些名詞總是以複數形式出現。scissors 剪刀 goods 貨物 trousers 褲子clothes 衣服 glasses 玻璃杯 police 警察 stockings 長褲 socks短襪 boots 靴

  11. 複數形式表示特別含義customs ***海關*** times ***時代*** drinks***飲料*** sands***沙灘*** ruins***廢墟*** papers***檔案報紙*** fishes***各種魚***

  12. 數詞+名詞作定語時,這個名詞一般保留單數形式,中間加連字元。例如:an 8-year-old girl, a ten-mile walk

  13. 合成名詞將主體名詞變為複數 sons-in-law, lookers-on, passers-by, boy friends 無主體名詞時將最後一部分變為複數grown-ups

  14. 只有作單數的複數形式的名詞:科學名詞:physics, maths專有名詞:the United States其他名詞:news, falls


  不可數名詞指不可以直接計數事物的名詞,多為物質名詞或抽象名詞,不可數名詞沒有複數形式,不可與a, an連用。在英語中,不可數名詞如果要表示“量”的概念,可以用以下兩種方法:

  1 用much, a little, a lot of, some, any等表示多少,


  The rich man has lots of money.

  There is some milk in the cup.

  Is there any water in the glass?

  2 用a piece of這類定語,

  例如:a piece of paper; a piece of wood; a piece ofbread; a glass of water; a cup of tea; 如果要表示“兩杯茶”這類概念時,在容器後加複數,two cups of tea; four pieces of paper; three glasses of water


  祈使句用來表示勸告、請求或命令,其主語為第二人稱代詞you,常被省略,因此祈使句以動詞原形開頭。為了使語氣比較客氣,可在句首或句尾加上 please,語調為降調。其否定形式使在動詞原形前加 don't。例如:

  Please peal three pears.

  Let's make fruit salad.

  Be quiet, please!

  How do you make a banana milkshake?


  *** *** 1. ―Can Ihelp you?

  ―I'd like for my twin daughters.

  A. two pair of shoes B. two pairs of shoe

  C. two pair of shoe D. two pairs of shoes

  *** *** 2 .Jenny'sshoes were worn out. She wanted to buy a new .

  A.shoe B.shoes C.one D.pair

  *** *** 3. Is itabout from Jixito Harbin?

  A. ten hours'train B. ten hour's train C. ten hours'trains D. ten hours train

  *** *** 4. team in No. 4 Middle School used to help with their training.

  A. Boys', the girls B Boy's, the girl

  C. The boys', the girls D. The boy's, the girl

  *** *** 5. LiuXiang,21,is an Olympic winner in the hurdles***跨欄***.We're proud of him.

  A.110-metre B.110-metres C.110metre D.110 metres

  *** *** 6. Theguide has . She will show them tous.

  A. some old paper B.some special food C. a new jacket D. some beautiful pictures

  *** *** 7. -What class are you in, Mike? -I'm in .

  A. Grade Three, ClassTwo B. Class Two, Grade Three

  C. class two, gradethree D. grade three, class two

  *** *** 8. Nobodythought it easy to finish so much work in .

  A. two days' time B. two-days time

  C. two day's time D. two days time

  *** *** 9. ―Myprize is different from .―But is the same as mine.

  A. Dick;yours B. Dick's;yours

  C. Dick's;your D. Dick's;yours

  *** *** 10. ―Do youknow the woman over there? ― Yes.She's aunt.

  A. Lily and Lucy B. Lily's and Lucy's

  C. Lily's and Lucy D. Lily and Lucy's

  *** *** 11. Don'tmake so much .The baby is sleeping.

  A.things B.mistakes C.voice D. noise

  *** *** 12. -How far is it from your home tothe school?

  -It's about .

  A.10 minutes walk B.10 minute's walk

  C.10-minutes walk D.10 minutes' walk

  *** *** 13. ―Can Ihelp you, sir?

  ―Yes, I'd likefive and some peas.

  A.potato B.tomatoes C.meat D. banana

  *** *** 14. Thereare a lot of down there buthardly any____.

  A. sheeps, people B. sheep, people

  C. sheeps, persons D. sheep, peoples

  *** *** 15. Thereare some on the ground.

  A.leafs B.leaf C.water D. leaves

  *** *** 16. All thefoot of the hill you could hear nothing but the _____of the running water.

  A.shout B.noise C.voice D. sound

  *** *** 17. Arethere many _________on the farm?

  A.horse B.duck C.chicken D. sheep

  *** *** 18. —Howmany ______ are there in the box? —There is only one.

  A.potato B.potatoes C.tomatos D. radioes

  *** *** 19. I'mhungry, could I please have ______.

  A. a cup oftea B. four pieces of bread

  C. two glasses ofwater D.three bottles of milk

  *** *** 20. What big____ the tigerhas!

  A. tooth B. teeth C. tooths D. toothes


  1. It's an important meeting.__________ ***not, be*** late.

  2. ____________ ***not, make*** anynoise! Your mother is sleeping.

  3. ____________ ***not, leave*** yourhomework for tomorrow, Larry.

  4. ____________ ***look*** out! A caris coming.

  5. ____________ ***give*** us tenyears and just see what our country will be like.

  6. ____________ ***not, let*** thebaby cry.

  7. Wear more clothes or you____________ ***catch*** a cold.

  8. Let's ____________ ***not, say***anything about it.


  *** *** 1 .Herdoctor said: "________ work so hard"

  A.Stop B.Don't C.Can't D. No

  *** *** 2. Cindy,________ to be here at 8 o'clock

  A. is sure B. is surethat C. will be sure D. be sure

  *** *** 3.________when you cross the road.

  A. Do care B.Care C. Do be careful D. To be careful

  *** *** 4.________him the secret, will you?

  A. Don't tell B. Not to tell C. Not telling D. Notelling

  *** *** 5. ________inbed. It's bad for your eyes.

  A. Not to read B. Don't read C. Don't to read D. Notread

  *** *** 6. ________your child. We'll look after him.

  A. Not to worry about B. Don't worry about

  C. Not worryfor D. Don't worrywith

  *** *** 7.They arevery tired. Why ________ have a rest?

  A. notthey B. do notthey

  C. don'tthey D. not to

  *** *** 8 --Youlook rather tired. ________ stopping to have a rest?

  -- All right.

  A. Whynot B. How about

  C .Why notto D. Why don't

  *** *** 9. ______tell a lie.

  A.Hardly B.Not C.No D. Never

  *** *** 10. Please________ look outside. Look at the blackboard.

  A.not B. don't C. aren't D. can't


  一、1 D 2 C 3A 4 C 5A 6 D 7B 8A 9 B 10D 11 D 12 D 13 B 14 B 15 D 16 D 17 D 18B 19 B 20 B

  二、1 Don't be 2 Don'tmake 3 Don't leave 4 Look 5 Give 6 Don't let 7catch 8 not say

  三、1 B 2D 3D 4A5B 6B 7C 8B 9D 10B
