



  spun sugar


  棉花糖機 GY-DD ; Cotton Candy Maker ; mini cotton candy machine ;

  棉花糖之吻 The Marshmallow Kisses

  棉花糖沙發 Nelson Marshmallow Sofa

  粉嫩棉花糖 Marshmallow Pink


  1. The cotton candy looked but the caramels looked even better.


  2. Sue is eating chips, cotton candy and chocolate bar.

  蘇正在吃洋芋片 、 棉花糖和巧克力棒.

  3. Nothing could be more seductive than cotton candy and brown sugar painting.


  4. What goes better with salty popcorn than sweet cotton candy?

  還有什麼比甜甜的棉花糖更適合配鹹爆米花 呢 ?

  5. It's cotton candy and bubble gum and babies, especially little girls.

  這是棉花糖和泡泡糖和嬰兒, 特別是小女孩.

  6. The spun sugar: The spun sugar never leaves my childhood.


  7. Cotton candy is filamentous, but it is a granular crystal - sugar produced.

  棉花糖雖然是絲狀的, 但是它是用一種顆粒狀的晶體 -- 蔗糖製作而成.

  8. When the spun sugar balls, the candy has cooked sufficiently.

  當棉花糖呈球狀時, 糖果就夠火候了.

  9. Hispanic kids, two out of three ate the marshmallow.

  西班牙的小孩, 三分之二吃了棉花糖.

  10. Our company specialize marshmallows, lollipops , bubble gums, chocolates and toys with candy.

  本公司主要出口棉花糖 、 棒棒糖 、 泡泡糖 、 巧克力、兒童玩具等.

  11. Clouds drifted across the vast blue sky, as white as candy floss.

  雲朵在蔚藍的天空中飄蕩, 白的像棉花糖.

  12. The wooden club as well as cotton candy.


  13. Hey Allie, you want some cotton candy?

  嘿,愛麗, 想不想要些棉花糖?

  14. Mother: Sandy's eating candy - floss.

  母親: 桑迪正在吃棉花糖.

  15. Do you have any cotton candy?

  你們有棉花糖嗎 ?


  If you thought pineapple was the worst thing to put on a pizza, you were very wrong. A restaurant in Japan is offering pizza topped with cotton candy and seasoned with honey sauce. Sounds “devine”!


  Schmatz Beer Dining, a German-themed restaurant in Tokyo, Japan, is changing pizza as we know it. Instead of classic ingredients like prosciutto, peppers or tomato sauce, it uses spun sugar as the main ingredient for one of its pies. And if you’re thinking that this is probably just a pizza-shaped dessert, you’re wrong again. The bizarre dish consists of a thin-crust pizza dough pie, cheese and cotton candy. The ketchup is replaced by a special honey-based ginger sauce that is poured over the cotton candy, melting the candy floss and allowing the sugar to really get into the pizza.

  日本東京一家德國主題的餐廳Schmatz Beer Dining正在改變我們所熟知的披薩。這家餐廳沒有使用傳統的材料,比如義大利薰火腿、胡椒或番茄醬,它使用棉花糖作為店裡一款披薩的主要材料。如果你以為這可能只是個披薩形狀的甜品,那你就又錯了。這款奇怪的披薩由薄脆披薩底、乳酪和棉花糖構成。番茄醬由一款特製的以蜂蜜為主的薑蓉醬替代,這種醬澆在棉花糖上,可以讓棉花糖融化,從而讓甜味滲入披薩中。

  Cotton candy pizza recently made news headlines in Japan, after Schmatz advertised it as a way of celebrating cherry blossom season. They added pink coloring and cherry blossom flavoring to both the cotton candy and the ginger sauce. This special pizza is only a temporary item on the menu, and can only be ordered until April 2nd.


  I can almost see conservative pizza fans breathing a sigh of relief at the news that this travesty is only a promotional gimmick, but it’s actually not. While the special cherry blossom variant is just a one-off thing, plain cotton candy pizza is here to stay. In fact, RocketNews24 reports that Schmatz has been serving the unusual dish for a while now, so it must be pretty popular.


  So if you ever find yourself in the Kanda district of Tokyo and get a craving for cheese pizza and cotton candy, stop by Schmatz Beer Dining. They’ll hook you up!

  所以如果你有機會到東京的神田區,並且想吃乳酪披薩和棉花糖,那就到Schmatz Beer Dining看看吧。他們會對你胃口的!

  Or you could spend $2,000 on this gold-covered pizza, instead.





