stamp duty
stamp tax
物業交易印花稅 stamp duty on property transactions
證券交易印花稅 stock trading stamp tax
單據印花稅 documentary stamp tax
貸款印花稅 Stamp Duty on Mortgage
1. Your company should make a supplementary payment for stamp tax.
2. Some state statutes impose special taxes, usually in the form of stamp tax , on sales of stock.
有些州的法規對股票銷售徵收特種稅, 通常是以印花稅的形式徵收.
3. This certificate is issued manually. Please approach Stamp Office for enquiry.
4. Stamp duty, commission, transfer fees, coMMission fees, clearing fees at a glance.
印花稅 、 佣金 、 過戶費 、 委託費 、 結算費一目瞭然.
5. Reduction in stamp duty, announced Wednesday night, big positive.
週三晚宣佈調低印花稅, 特大利好.
6. It also has an appellate jurisdiction over stamp duty appeals.
7. Taxpayer : What is the time requirement for the stamp tax return?
納稅人: 印花稅的申報期限是?
8. Poundage and stamp tax are deducted, buckle in your account.
手續費和印花稅是扣的, 在你的帳戶里扣.
9. To make matters worse, the Stamp Tax encountered some violent opposition.
教情況更糟的是, 印花稅遭遇到一些暴力式的反對.
10. Impose unilateral securities stocks stamp, is still a temporary measure.
單邊徵收證券 股票 交易印花稅, 依舊是一項臨時措施.
11. Examples of direct taxes are income tax and stamp duty.
12. B : How do you calculate the stamp duty fee?
13. Shanghai's Pudong district on to pay stamp duty ? do not to declare?
上海浦東地區印花稅如何繳納? 要不要申報?
14. Ex - clude Capital duty fee on authorized capital.
15. NPC – Highlights: stamp tax cut?
人大會聚焦: 印花稅是否減徵?
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