



  如:The best books are treasuries of good words,the golden thoughts,which,remembered and cherished,become our constant companions and comforters. 不難看出which become our constant companions and comforters原本是一個整體,被用作狀語的過去分詞remembered and cherished分割開。常見的分割結構形式有同位語或同位語從句與先行詞的分割,定語或and定語從句與先行詞的分割,主語與謂語的分割,謂語與賓語的分割。使用分割結構的目的是使語句結構平衡,避免頭重腳輕,或者為了使表達的主題思想更加突出醒目,讀起來更通順流暢。分割結構的存在說明了英語在結構形式和表達方法上的生動性和靈活性,但也造成了句子結構的錯綜複雜。對於分割結構,只有從結構上和語意上弄清它才能避免理解上的錯誤,英譯漢時要把原來屬於一個整體部分的意義譯出。

  如:An unusual present was given to him for his birthday,a book on ethics.過生日的時候他得到了一件不尋常的禮物——一本關於倫理道德的書。***present 和a book被分隔***

  再如:After Galileo's work the feeling grew that there were universal laws governing the motion of bodies and that these laws might apply to motion in the heavens as well as on earth.在伽利略著作之後,這樣的認識加強了,即認為存在著支配物體運動的普遍規律,這些規律不僅支配著地球上的也支配著天體上的物體的運動。***the feeling和 that從句被分隔***


  1. Such a viewpoint,particularly prominent in the developing countries,is reinforced by the widely-held belief that it is not the peaceful application of nuclear energy that is endangering the survival of mankind.

  層:Such a viewpoint,主 particularly prominent in the developing 定 countries,is 系 reinforced 表 by the widely-held belief 狀 that it is not the peaceful application of nuclear energy that is end- 同位語從句 angering the survival of mankind.

  第二層:***同位語從句***that 引 it 形主 is not 系 the peaceful application 強調主語 of nuclear energy 定 that 引 is endangering 謂 the survival 賓 of mankind. 定

  要點 本句主幹為Such a viewpoint…… is reinforced by the widely-held belief;形容詞短語particularly prominent in the developing countries,作為插入語修飾viewpoint,將主語和謂語分隔開來;介詞短語by the widely-held belief是被動語態reinforced的行為主體;that it is……mankind是belief的同位語從句,這裡還含有一個強調句式,即it is not the peaceful application……that is endangering……。

  譯文 這種在發展中國家顯得尤為突出的觀點被一種廣泛持有的信念所加強,即並非和平利用核能正危害著人類的生存。

  2. No girl should marry a man whose last name has the same initial as hers,for,as the rhyme goes,Change the name but not the letter,marry for worse instead of better.

  層:No girl 主 should marry 謂 a man 賓 whose last name has the same initial as hers,定語從句 for,as the rhyme goes,Change 狀語從句 the name but not the letter,marry for worse instead of better.

  第二層:***定語從句***whose 引 last name 主 has 謂 the same initial 賓 as hers 定

  ***狀語從句***for,引 as the rhyme goes,狀 Change 謂 the name 賓 but 連 not the letter,賓 marry 謂 for worse instead of better.狀

  要點 這是個主從複合句。for是連線詞,引導狀語從句。as the rhyme goes是插入語,插在for和它引導的從句之間,造成for和它引導的從句的分離,翻譯時,可譯成一個主謂結構。

  譯文 姑娘不該嫁給與自己的姓的首字母相同的人,因為正如一首童謠所說:改姓不改首字母,婚後必將受其苦。

  3. Nor,if regularity and conformity to a standard pattern are as desirable to the scientist as the writing of his papers would appear to reflect,is management to be blamed for discriminating against the odd balls among researchers in favor of more conventional thinkers who work well with the team.

  要點 否定詞nor放在句首時,主謂倒裝。is放到了主語management前。同時,if引導的條件狀語從句置於nor與句子的其他成分之間,造成了句子的割裂狀態。條件狀語從句中as desirable…… as the writing……可視為同級比較結構。句中who引導的定語從句修飾先行詞thinkers,可採用合譯的方法翻譯。be blamed for為固定短語,意為“因…而受指責”。in favor of ……在句中做狀語。

  譯文 假如像學術論文反映的那樣,科學家們期望看到與某種標準模式符合的規律性和一致性。那麼,如果管理者們歧視研究者中的“怪傑”,而喜歡善於合作的較常規思維的人,這也是無可指責的。



  1.文章是一定要認真看的。雅思的閱讀試題很少能夠不看文章就能答題,即使是T/F/NG也只是有些特殊的題目可以猜答案,大多數題目還是要結合原文來問答的。至於其他的一些細節題,如matching, sentence completion, summary等就更要結合文章才能做出正確的選項了!


