Love You Lately是出現在。下面是小編給大家整理的,供大家參閱!
Love You Lately歌手簡介
丹尼爾·理查德·波特***Daniel Richard Powter,1971年2月25日-***,亦作丹尼爾·帕德,加拿大唱作音樂人。2005年以出道首發單曲《Bad Day》紅遍歐洲隨後又席捲北美而為全世界樂迷熟知。丹尼爾細膩獨特的感受力及出色的琴藝,讓他總是能夠在平淡無奇的生活中,找到音樂創作的題材,因此有著“城市琴人丹尼爾”的稱號。
Love You Lately歌手介紹
在僅四歲的時候,丹尼爾就開始在母親的鋼琴伴奏下學習練習小提琴。天資聰慧,進步神速的丹尼爾不久之後就可以在學校舉辦的活動中演出,甚至10歲時就開始嘗試作曲。 但這同時也招來了同學的嫉妒和圍攻。因為患有嚴重的誦讀困難症,難以閱讀樂譜的丹尼爾還遭到了小提琴老師的侮辱,在這之後,丹尼爾再也沒有碰過小提琴。 在母親的影響下丹尼爾開始試著學習鋼琴,而他也一下就為這種“能夠同時奏出多種音色”的樂器所著迷。 無法閱讀琴譜的他靠聽力學會了彈奏鋼琴。
熟練了鋼琴技藝的丹尼爾隨後又開始把興趣轉向歌唱,高三時他演唱的自己創作並錄製剪輯的單曲在由加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省某廣播電臺舉辦的“Rocktoria”音樂競賽中取得佳績。 ***從弗農第二中學***Vernon Secondary School***高中畢業後丹尼爾獲得了帶獎學金在埃德蒙頓的格蘭特·麥克伊文學院***Grant MacEwan College***學習音樂機會。 但誦讀困難再一次阻礙了他前進的腳步——音樂考試成績全優的丹尼爾卻因為理論考試不及格而面臨畢業困難。大學兩年後丹尼爾決定輟學並開始自己的音樂生涯。
Love You Lately歌詞
You packed your last two bags
A taxi's around the bend
You used to laugh out loud
But you can't remember when
You lost your lines
It's like you're moving out of time
And the whole world crumbles right beneath you
So I might've made a few mistakes
But that was back when you would smile
And we would go everywhere
But we ain't been there for awhile
And this I know
There's a place that we can go
A place where I can finally let you know
'Cause I'm the one that loves you lately
You and me we got this great thing
We're the only ones that around
We're the only ones that around
This Babylon
I hope you find whatever you've been looking for
Just remember where you're from and who you are
Cause there's a thousand lights that will
Make you feel brand new
But if you ever lose your way
I'll leave one on for you
'Cause I'm the one that loves you lately
You and me we got this great thing
So come back, get here, sit down, relax
Everything's to see
That you've come a long long way
And it's the place that you should be
'Cause I'm the one that loves you lately
You and me we got this great thing
'Cause I'm the one that loves you lately
You and me we got this great thing
We're the only ones that around
We're the only ones that around
This Babylon
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