


  中秋節,是中國傳統節日之一,為每年的農曆八月十五,也是我國僅次於春節的第二大傳統節日。 根據中秋節團圓的節日意義,可以寫一家人團聚在一起的美好時光。在一起賞月、吃月餅、放煙花。













  Dear Leslie,

  How are you? Glad to see you have made some progress in learning Chinese. I'm writing to tell you something about our next lesson.

  The lesson will be given from 3 pm to 5 pm on the afternoon of next Tuesday in classroom 502. In the class, you will mainly be studying Tang Poetry, which reflects traditional Chinese culture and is very important to Chinese people. You can understand the beauty of Chinese by studying Tang Poetry. Make sure to prepare before class and have at least a basic understanding of the history of the Tang Dynasty. This will make it easier for you to do well in the class.

  If there is anything I can help you with, please don't hesitate to let me know. Looking forward to meeting you.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Hua

  Dear Henry,

  I'm Li Hua, the head of the paper-cutting club at our school. Last time, you told me you were looking forward to learning more about traditional Chinese culture. Well, I'm glad to tell you there will be a Chinese paper-cutting exhibition at our school. I really hope you can set aside some time for the event.

  The exhibition, the theme of “Which Is the Beauty of China,” will take place in the school hall from 2 to 5 on the afternoon of June 21. Not only will our club's art be displayed, but we also have a valuable set of paper-cuts created by a famous artist in this field. Besides, there will be many useful and interesting activities, from which you can have a clearer picture of Chinese culture.

  I hope you will accept my invitation. I'm sure the exhibit will leave a wonderful impression on you! I'm looking forward to your reply.

  Best wishes!


  Li Hua