


  1. 尊貴人生 大師隨行。 ***奧迪A***

  2. Accuracy makes brand . ***Suzuki***

  3. 精準締造品牌。 ***鈴木***

  4. At the heart of the image ***Nikon***

  5. 影像 . 從心。 ***尼康***

  6. Romance in heart ***Borel***

  7. 浪漫在心 。***瑞士依波路表***

  8. Everose Gold, Rolex Made. ***Rolex***

  9. 永恆玫瑰金,勞力士錘鍊。***勞力士***

  10. Great historic Capital by bright generation by generation.***Beijing***

  11. 千古京都,代代錦繡!***北京***

  12. Take Toshiba ,take the world.***Toshiba***

  13. 擁有東芝,擁有世界。***東芝***

  14. No business too small, no problem too big.***IBM***

  15. 沒有不做的小生意,沒有解決不了的大問題。***IBM***

  16. Play part in History

  17. 參與歷史。***洛杉磯***

  18. Harmony and Progress

  19. 和諧、進步 。***漢城***

  20. Friends for life

  21. 永遠的朋友 。***巴塞羅那***


  1. The celebration of the century

  2. 世紀慶典。***亞特蘭大***

  3. From around the world to flower as one

  4. 讓世界凝聚成一朵花。 ***長野***

  5. Share the spirit

  6. 分享奧林匹克精神。***悉尼***

  7. Light the fire within

  8. 點燃心中之火。***鹽湖城***

  9. Welcome Home

  10. 歡迎回家 ***雅典***

  11. An Ever Burning Flame

  12. 永不熄滅的火焰。 ***年都靈***

  13. One World One Dream

  14. 同一個世界、同一個夢想。***北京***

  15. From zero to hero.***the mask***

  16. 從到英雄。 ***變相怪傑***

  17. Double incomes no kids.***Dink***

  18. 無孩夫妻。***丁克***

  19. The Power of Dreams ***HONDA***

  20. 夢的力量 ***本田***


  1. To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of life.***Happiness***

  2. 愛與被愛是人生至福。***福***

  3. Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore IS winged Cupid painted blind. ***Cupid***

  4. 愛情不用眼睛而用心靈去看,所以長著翅膀的愛神丘位元被畫成瞎子。***丘位元***

  5. To care for wisdom and truth and improvement of the soul is far better than to seek money and honour and reputation. ***Socrates***

  6. 追名逐利,貪圖金錢遠不如探求真知,修身潔行。***蘇格拉底***

  7. NBA以前的宣傳語:i love this game;

  8. 現在是——where amazing happens.

  9. Crazy Skiing,Freezing ***LianHua Ski Area***

  10. 瘋滑雪躍,感凍。***蓮花山雪場***

  11. The honeyest fruit of the world is Juicy Peach.***Yangshan Peach***

  12. 天下最甜水蜜桃。***陽山水蜜桃***

  13. Shenzhou in the Space, Time flows backwards. ***Astronaut of China***

  14. 太空神舟, 時光倒流。***中國宇航員***

  15. The Sweetest City of China ———***Wuxi China***

  16. 中國最甜蜜的城市———***無錫***

  17. Obey your thirst.***sprite***