1. 小浪底——成功男人的品味!
2. 世界著名的英語廣告語!句句精華!
3. We lead,others copy.
4. 我們領先,他人仿效。***理光復印機***
5. Impossible made possible.
6. 使不可能變為可能。***佳能***
7. Take time to indulge.
8. 盡情享受吧!***雀巢***
9. The relentless pursuit of perfection. ***lexus***
10. 不懈追求完美。***凌志轎車***
11. Come to where the flavour is.*** marlboro country***
12. 光臨風韻之境——萬寶路世界。***萬寶路***
13. To me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color.
14. 對我而言,過去平淡無奇;而未來,卻一直是彩色的。***軒尼詩酒***
15. Ask for more.
16. 渴望無限。***百事***
17. Let's make things better.
1. 讓我們做得更好。***飛利浦電子***
2. Buy Australia, Buy you a job.
3. 買澳大利亞貨,給你買份工作。***澳大利亞***
4. Time is what you make of it.***Swatch***
5. 天長地久。***斯沃奇手錶***
6. Make yourself heard.***Ericsson***
7. 理解就是溝通。***愛立信***
8. Engineered to move the human spirit.***Mercedes-Benz***
9. 人類精神的動力。***梅塞德斯-賓士***
10. Fresh-up with Seven-up.***Seven-up***
11. 提神醒腦,喝七喜。***七喜***
12. Connecting People.***Nokia***
13. 科技以人為本。***諾基亞***
14. For the Road Ahead.***Honda***
15. 康莊大道。***本田***
16. The Relentless Pursuit of Perfection.***Lexus***
17. 追求完美永無止境。***凌志汽車***
18. Communication unlimited.***Motorola***
1. 溝通無極限。***摩托羅拉***
2. Focus on life.***Olympus***
3. 瞄準生活。***奧林巴斯***
4. World in hand , Soul in Cyber. ***Microsoft***
5. 掌中乾坤, 夢之靈魂。 ***微軟***
6. All your imaginations can be created.***Dell***
7. 一切依你而為。***戴爾電腦***
8. In Search of Excellence. ***Buick***
9. 志在千里! ***別克轎車***
10. Obey your thirst.
11. 服從你的渴望。***雪碧***
12. Construction is solidified art, Art is flowing Construction.
13. 建築是凝固的藝術,藝術是流動的建築。***藝術建築***
14. It`s not enough that we do our best, we have to do what`s required.
15. 人盡其力,力盡其能。***榮威轎車***
16. In the Company of Masters