


  To Whom It May Concern:

  This letter provides me the opportunity to recommend my Assistant Director, Jennifer Alistair, for the position of Library Director at the Main Library in the Farris County, Colorado Public Library System.

  Jennifer came to us upon finishing her Master of Library Science degree and first worked as a Reference Librarian. After three years she was promoted to Assistant Director, a position she has performed well in.

  With her bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Jennifer has been invaluable as we have transitioned to a digital environment.

  She chaired the countywide committee that reengineered our Information Management and Delivery System two years ago. She also worked on the follow-up committee to oversee the implementation of changes. Through her efforts and those of others on the committees, countywide we are slated to save more than $2 million dollars annually while simultaneously providing much improved, state-of-the-art services to patrons.

  Jennifer is well prepared for the social interplay that goes hand and hand with the director’s job. She displayed an infectious zeal during her tenure as Reference Librarian and was very popular with the public. She has aptly administered the twenty-five individuals in her areas. Through her committee work she has also shown considerable ability for managing disparate forces both inside and outside the library.

  Jennifer is rightly seeking additional challenge and since there are currently no opportunities in our system it is only natural for her to look elsewhere. For this I commend her.

  Bright, dedicated and skilled, Jennifer garners my unequivocal recommendation. She is ready and fully prepared to assume the duties of Director at your library.


  Amanda Wrigley












  3.推薦者對你能否順利完成學位的看法:譬如說,描述你對特別分配職務上的表現,以表現你的應變能力。又如,申請者是否有其它潛力未發揮? 如果申請者的成績未盡理想,評述你對申請者的看法。解釋申請者雖然形式上的成績未盡理想,卻有極深厚的潛力尚未發揮。如果申請者轉系,也可以強調申請者有強烈的學習動機, 根據推薦者的觀察,相信以申請者的表現,一定可以成功完成學業。

