There are a lion in the forest, it sent the tiger to the game running for the invitation. The tiger careless said: "than than!"
That day, finally came, the lion said to the tiger: "the younger brother, wait a minute, I want to let you make a fool of yourself in front of the audience." "That's not necessarily?" The tiger retorts.
The race began. The lion ran like a bottle of arrows, tiger rushed up is not far behind. Don't have much time, the lion has been far behind the tiger. "Ha, ha, ha, I won!" Lion face proud as a peacock, tiger than again next year.
During the year, tiger every day in practice running, grow a lot. And the lion all beer and skittles, did not move. A year later, the two old rivals in the old place again. The lion roared: "glitzier, let's!" The tiger silent nod. The race began, a tiger and a lion are blunt go out, after a while, the tiger left the lion. The lion ran ran panting, sweating, more and more can't run, the result cans be imagined. The tiger victory.
The failure of the lion is complacency, tiger's success lies in hard work, after the failure constantly struggle.
Deep into the mountains, there lived rabbit mother and children. Children, is the most clever the little white rabbit.
One day, the rabbit mother is cooking for the children. Understand the small white rabbit say: "mother, don't have a lot of firewood in the home, I come to pick up some?" Mother rabbit saw the little white rabbit so hardworking, very happy. Nodded and said, "children, be careful, go back to the early early."
The small white rabbit along the mountain road go straight ahead, the bird is singing in the woods, the flowers on both sides of the grass swaying in the breeze. At this moment, suddenly a tiger came up, the small white rabbit was frightened and thought it was too late to escape. Pressure in the heart of fear, the small white rabbit say boldly: "tiger king, here what can I do for you?" Tiger said: "I'm hungry, come out to look for food, I meet you today, I am very happy. Come! Let me eat!" Said, and then out of the paw.
The small white rabbit leisurely say: "please wait a moment, in front of a restaurant, I'll give you some wine." The tiger said: "that you go!"
Leave the tiger, the small white rabbit furiously, it knows that lived in front of the giraffe, the home has a lot of guests to congratulate birthday. Tired panting, the little white rabbit came to the door, Shouting several voice: "help! Help!" Heard shouts, pony, elephant and cat, monkey, panda, fox and a giraffe came out, said: "the small white rabbit, what happened?" The small white rabbit cried: "tiger want to eat me." The giraffe said: "don't be afraid of the little white rabbit, we many hands make light work." In this way, witty, saved the little white rabbit.
The tiger is the king of the forest, as long as it appeared, including the Wolf, fox, leopard, all animals would frighten shivering.
It shout at top of voice, HuiShan shook the leaves will be falling in silence to swirl.
One day, the weather is sunny. The tiger eyes closed to rest under the tree. Suddenly, fall off a pinecone, tiger's head was suck up a parcel.
It looked up, turned out to be a small squirrel in handling pine cones.
The little squirrel was frightened: "oh! How can it do? Angry tiger king to no good end."
It's stuttering said to the tiger: "respect for the king, the king of...... is really sorry... I don't... is intentional."
Tiger saw a squirrel is very fear, has for the first time without compromise it, and let it go.
A few days later, when the tiger predation of accidentally fell into the valley, was caught on the timbo. It hard struggle, but the struggle will tie up tight.
The tiger despair, it put down the king, the king of shelves, and shouted: "help, help!"
Voice is very big, tiger in the forest has been spread to the squirrels are playing at the ears.
The little squirrel ran to the tiger, the tiger said: "dear king, you don't try so hard, I immediately to bite open timbo save you out."
Harder the little squirrel say that finish, then use "isalso" bit. After a long while, the timbo finally bitten, the tiger came out safely. But the little squirrel too tired to say a word.
The tiger thought, usually it isn't in the eyes of the little squirrel has saved the life of it are in danger. Its not easy moving heart surrounded by something called warm at this time, it's heart began to slowly melting.
From then on, the tiger and the animals in the forests had lived in concord, happy life together.
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