熟悉陌生城市的最好方法一迷路Best Way to Know a Strange City-
I was in a strange city and I didn't know the city at all. What is more, I could not speak a word of the language.
我在一個陌生的城市裡並對這座城市一無所知。更糟糕的是當地話我一句也不會說。After having spent my first day in the duanwenw center, I decided to lose my way on the second day, since I believed that this was the nearest way of getting to know the strange city.
I got on first bus that passed, rode on it for several stops. Then got off it and walked on. The first two hours passed pleasantly enough. Then I decided to turn back to my hotel for lunch. After walking about for some time, I decided I had better ask the way. The trouble was that the only word I know of the language was the name of the street in which I lived and even that I pronounced badly.
I stopped to ask a friendly-looking newspaper-seller. He smiled and handed me a paper. I shook my head and repeated the name of the street and he put the paper into my hands. I gave him some money and went on my way. The next person I asked was a policeman. The policeman listened to me carefully, smiled and gently took me by the arm. There was a strange look in his eyes as he pointed left and right and duanwenw left again. I nodded politely and began walking in the point.
About an hour passed and I noticed that the houses were getting fewer And green fields were appearing in either side of me. I had come all the way into countryside. The only thing left for me to do was to find the nearest railway station.
帶寵物上班Keeping Office Pets
Pet owners are being encouraged to take their animals to work, a move scientists say it can he good for productivity, workplace morale, and the well being of animals.
養寵物者帶寵物上班現在被廣為鼓勵。 科學家們說,這有利於提高生產力,鼓舞工作場所士氣,並使動物感到安逸 。
A study found that 25% of Australian women would like to keep an office pet. Sue Chaseling of Petcare Information Service said the practice of keeping office pets was good both for the people and the pets. “0n the pets” side, they are not left on their own and “won't feel lonely and unhappy”, she said. A study of major US companies showed that73% found office pets beneficia1***有益的*** , while27% experienced a drop in absentee ism.
一項調査結果表明,25%的澳大利亞婦女願意養一隻辦公室寵物 。 來自關愛寵物信服務中心的蘇•査瑟琳說,養辦公室寵物的習慣對人和寵物都是有好處的一站在寵物的立場上,它們不再被單獨留在家中,也不再會感到“孤獨和不開心”。 另一項調査結果顯示,73%的美國主要公司認為養辦公室寵物是有益的,然而另外27%的公司因故沒有參加投票 。
Xarni Riggs has two cats walking around her G1oba1 Hair Salon in Paddington. “My customers love them. They are their favorites,” she duanwenw said. “They are not troublesome. They know when to go and have a sleep in the sun.”
夏妮.瑞格斯的兩隻貓就閒庭信步在她位於帕丁頓的國際髮型沙龍外。 “我的顧客非喜歡它們,”她說,“它們從來不找麻煩,它們知道什麼時候該出去在太陽底下睡上一覺 。”
Little black BJ has spent nearly a11 his two years “working” at Punch Gallery in Balmain. Owner lain Powe11 said he had cats at the ga11ery for 15 years. “BJ often lies in the shop window and people walking past tap on the glass,” he said.
BJ小黑已經在柏美恩的潘趣畫廊“工作”近兩年的時間 。 它的主人艾恩• 地威爾說他在畫廊養貓已15年。“BJ總躺在商店櫥窗裡,然後有人就會在路過時輕敲玻璃”,他說 。
Ms Chaseling said cats were popular in sert,ice industries because they enabled a point of conversation. But she said owners had to make sure both their co-workers and the cats were comfortable.
査瑟琳女士說,在服務行業內養描很流行,因為它們能成為話題的切入點 。但她還說寵物主人一定要確保他們的同事和貓咪自己都感到舒服。
大學生創業College students bear expectations
Educated for many years, college students bear expectations from society as senior intellectuals.
Therefore, in recent years, society has paid more and more attention to the entrepreneurship of college students.
With the development of our society and economy, entrepreneurship of college duanwenw students has become anew phenomenon. Being innovative, college students in modern society have the confidence and desire to challenge the traditional ideas and professions. It is such spirit of innovation that makes college students motivated to establish a business and confident to achieve success. Bearing the dream of establishing a business, college students work hard to realize their ideals and prove themselves.
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