歌手介紹:Dreamtale***夢境傳說***是來自芬蘭的一支power metal樂隊,由前主唱及吉他手Rami Keränen成立於1999年。 樂隊至今已發行了4張專輯及2支單曲。新專輯Epsilon於2011年發行。
Memories Of Time
歌手: Dreamtale
Time is running so fast 時間流逝的如此飛快
This moment that you live 當你活著的時候
Instantly everything is past 一切轉瞬即逝
And you wonder where the time has gone 你卻在尋找時間去了哪
When you were young 還年輕時
You thought I can do that tomorrow 你想著"我可以明天再來做~"
But in moments the years have gone 但是一會,就過去了數年
You feel that you are too old, now it's too late 你卻覺得自己已經太老了..來不及了..
Live, and make true all of your dreams 趁還年輕[此處這樣放合適..倒裝]
When you are young 生活,抓住所有的夢想
Memories are gold, when you are old 當老區時,回憶才是無價之寶
Just Memories of Time 時間的記憶
Live forever over our lives 超越我們的生命而永遠存在
They will see the future 它能預見未來
To the end of the time 直到時間的盡頭
This little moment that we live here 我們所經過的僅僅是其中一小部分
Don't let us waste it in vain 請不要將它無謂的浪費
Let's sail at full speed straight on 就讓我們筆直的全速遠航吧
Every single dream 每一個夢想
Is made to come true for all of us 都是為了讓我們實現它***而存在***
When we believe in the future 我們相信將來
And what it will bring to us 那麼它***將來***會帶給我們什麼
Look behind 回頭看
The curtain of the world 這世界的帷幕
You'll see how beautiful all could be 如果你***願意***接受這美麗世界的挑戰[此處也應該倒
If you take challenge of this wonderful life 你將發現這所有一切是多麼美妙
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