歌曲介紹: 《童話》是光良演唱的一首歌曲,由光良作詞作曲,收錄在光良2005年發行的同名專輯《童話》中 。
Don't know how long
It's been a while since
You told me your favor story
It's been on my mind
Driving me crazy
Am I the reason that ***you're crying now*** harmony
I see the tears in your eyes
They tell me you don't believe
That I can't be your prince charming
Maybe you can't understand
But when you say you love me
My life was changed and I wish you could see
I'm willing to be the one, and the angel that you love
With open arms, I'll always be there
You must believe, that you and me will end up happily living
In our own, fairytale story
I see the tears in your eyes
They tell me you can't believe that I can be your prince charming
Maybe you can't understand
But when you said you love me
My life was changed
And I wish I could see
I'm willing to be the one, and the angel that you love
With open arms, I'll always be there
You must believe, that you and me will end up happily living
In our own, fairytale story
I see the tears in your eyes
They tell me you don't believe
That I can't be your prince charming
Maybe you can't understand
But when you say you love me
My life was changed and I wish you could see
I'm willing to be the one, and the angel that you love
With open arms, I'll always be there
You must believe, that you and me will end up happily living
In our own, fairytale story .
- 童話的英文版歌詞
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