論閱讀和書籍On Reading and Books
Any important book should immediately be read twice.
partly because one grasps the matter in its entirety1 only the second time, and only really understands the beginning when one knows the end; and partly because one’s temper and mood inevitably change, so that one gets a different impression the second time, and sees the matter in another light.
Works are the quintessence of a mind, and are therefore always of far greater value than conversation, even conversation with the greatest of minds. A man’s works far surpass his conversation. Even the writings of an ordinary man may be worth reading, both instructive and entertaining, for the simple reason that they are the quintessence — that is to say, the result and fruit of his whole thought and study; while his conversation is no more than the fruit of his whims.
著作是一個人的思想精華,儘管一個人具有偉大的思想,但閱讀這個人的著作總會比與這個人交談獲得更多,因此,一個人的著作中所具有的價值的確遠遠超過這個人的談話。甚至一個普通人所寫出的文字也會有一定的啟發意義,能夠給人以消遣並值得一讀,因為這些文字也是這個普通人的思想精華 —— 也就是說,是他所有思考和研究的結果,而他的談話內容也許只是一時的突發奇想。
Accordingly, it is possible to read books written by people whose conversation would give us no satisfaction; and it follows that the mind can by degrees attain high culture only by finding entertainment almost entirely in books rather than men.
我相信I Believe
I believe in love because my wife taught me how.
I believe that a dance with fear leaves you winded, yet wiser.
I believe that having children has made me a better man.
I believe that the truth tastes like straw- berries — the really big ones.
I believe in friends who stand by you.
I believe you have to suffer for your passion.
I believe that the happiest people are those with the fewest masks.
I believe that too many people stay in jobs they hate to get more vacation days, so that they can spend more time away from the jobs they hate.
I believe that we give life its meaning.
I believe that liars run from the truth like vampires from the sun.
I believe that courage works its way from the heart to the hands.
I believe that knowing yourself is one of the finest things you can do.
I believe in blue kites with orange tails.
I believe in living passionately, leaving nothing inside, coming on as hard and fast as a steam train, and touching souls.
I believe in making yourself vulnerable in order to find your strength.
I believe in listening for the sound of your own voice.
I believe in you.
What do you believe in?
你值得擁有最好的You Deserve the Best
If you can come up with an excuse for not taking action, you can also find a reason to go ahead and take action. If you can find a reason to quit, you can also find a reason to keep going.
Are you skilled and experienced in making yourself miserable? Turn those skills around and make yourself motivated, inspired, effective and fulfilled. Do you spend lots of time getting little or nothing accomplished? Just by making more productive use of that time, you have the opportunity to achieve great things. Are there mistakes that you have made in the past? By learning from those mistakes and making more positive choices, you can vastly improve the results you get.
Every day you use powerful skills and tap into abundant resources to bring your life those things you think you most deserve. So what exactly do you think you deserve? Choose to see that you deserve the best, for you already have what is necessary to make it happen.
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