目錄 |
祝福生日英文說說短語***自己篇*** |
祝福生日英文說說短語***孩子篇*** |
祝福生日英文說說短語***老人篇*** |
祝福生日英文說說短語***成年人篇*** |
祝福生日英文說說短語***朋友篇*** |
1.祝我生日快樂! I wish a happy birthday!
None of my friends wished me a happy birthday.
Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me.
You didn't wish me a happy birthday yet.
Provided by jukuu
No-one wished me a happy birthday.
1. Roses are red, violets are blue. Here's a little card to say, Happy Birthday to you!
2. I hope that for every candle on your cake, you get a wonderful surprise.
3. Wishing you all the fun and excitement that only birthdays can bring.
4. Birthdays mean: Cake, presents, wrapping paper, money, clothes, friends, parties, etc. What
more could you want on your birthday?
5. The Sun smiles on your face today, the evening showers a gentle breeze, "it's your birthday",
say the stars, so let's have fun and shout out "ChEErS!!"
6. You're special than the princess of fairyland, you're magical than the fairies of the famous
rhymes. Your birthday is here and all we know, that the most beautiful princess is reading these lines. Happy Birthday!
7. Red, yellow, green and blue; there is nothing more important than you. You make us smile
with whatever you say, and here we are wishing you, "Happy Birthday"!
1. Count your life by smiles, not by tears. Count your age by friends, not by years.
2. You'll always be forever young.
3. Wishing you good health and happiness in life.
4. You're older today than yesterday but younger than tomorrow, Happy B'day
5. Although I can't wish you a happy birthday in person; I will spend the whole day with happy thoughts of you.
6. I remember your lap when you held me when I cried, I remember your encouraging smile when you watched me sigh. Your bedtime stories are still my all time favorite, your morals and teachings are what made me fly. I might be old enough to the world, but I'm nothing without your blessings and prayers. So, today on your birthday I say, Thank you for always being there. Happy Birthday!
7. May God soften the pillow you rest your head on at night. May He make smooth the path you walk by day. Not just today but everyday.>>>返回
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