Praise makes progress
In our life or study process,it is the confidence that makes sense.And what builds it is praise from others.
I can well remember that there was a time when I was a child who tried hard in my elementary school.However,I was not as good as those who were like me.Days passing by,I got more and more tired of study.Only after my teacher came to me did things chang.He told I was doing well and was possible to be better and better.And it made me full of confidence.I managed to get very nicegrades with the praise from teacher.
Believe it or not,praise is of vital importance.
Everyone wants to be appreciated and praised by others for what they do and what they say.For instance,children want to be praised by their parents.Students want to be praised by their teachers.Employees want to be praised by their employers.It seems that praise is like sunlight to us,we can't flower and grow without it.
But it is a pity that while most of us are only too ready to blow the cold wind of harsh criticism on others,we are somehow reluctant to give people around us the warm sunshine of praise.For example,most mothers are always not satisfied with the progress their children made at school Most teachers always drown their students
compositions in critical red ink,instead of commenting favorably on them.Most employersarealways criticalabout what their employees have done instead of giving encouragement to them.produces may be great.So,let's be alert to the small excellence around us and comment on them.We will not only bring joy into other people's lives,but also,very often,add happiness to our own.
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