dear miss lu,
im sorry i cant go to school today. i played football with my classmates yesterday.
unluckily, i fell off and hurt my leg, but i wasnt badly hurt. the doctor asked me
to stay in bed and have a good rest. so i ask for leave for two days. many thanks. im looking forward to your kind answer.
wang lei
dear teacher:
im sorry i have to ask for two daysoff. because i had a bad cold yesterday. and
now i have a high fever. i am feeling very bad.i cant study freely in class .i went to see a doctorin the
hospital.he gave me some medicine and asked me to stay in bed for two days .so im
sorry to ask you two days leave. i hope you can ratify my ask. thank you very much.
yours, sam reverent
dear mr/ms xxx;
today im writing to you to ask for a five-day leave, for ive got cold last night
with carlessness.
this morning my mother took me to see the doctor,who told me to stay in bed for
some days. so i am very sorry to be absent from school, especially your interesting lessons. ill be sure to make up for the missed
lessons after i recover from the illness. yours ever,
Teacher wang:
Today, because of my grandmother was seriously ill, with parents to visit, ask for leave one day.
Sincerely yours
Student: Li Binbin
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