dear leaders:
first of all, thank you for your work in a busy of my attention, where you will savor a century, the desire of university students and absolute sincerity of heart.
i graduated from the university of shenyang construction professional property management. the new century, the opportunities and challenges have become the theme of the times, and a reasonable choice and use of talented people, a period of time than ever before are more obvious the importance of the times. for the company to find a good assistant, i know you and look forward to the responsibility, and to seek a full play to its own expertise to the full is my wish. i believe that with my abilities, knowledge to meet the challenges of any work, but i believe i will win the outstanding performance of your appreciation.
talent is becoming more competitive, the opportunities and the same pressure. in a few years of university life, i would like to improve their own quality, solid professional foundation, become more qualified and talented people to ask their own criteria i know that knows no boundaries of xuehai, facing the wall and knew the meaning of the decade. . . . . .
now, as the early studies, to be pregnant in order to benefit from red cliff, in order to take good scholar-lun. to face challenges, i would like to show the school, and create a better future!
world first bole, chollima after, i am not claiming to pearl baoyu, superb talent and learning more to call himself or herself, hurried time, knowledge at the beginning of the school to the community, i know there is a growing process. but fortunately, i live in an era of wind and waves, as long as more than the struggle and confidence, move forward unabated, with the pursuit of the future and explore the cause of devotion and love, i can be in a civilized and self-confidence, unity, collective progress in, do our best to add brilliant, i must live and love your expectations.
i am looking forward to another challenge in life, but also look forward to the event before exposure to the work of good will and development to the infinite space. give me a piece of the sky, i will make it more beautiful, this is my commitment to never. look forward to your good news!
loyal blessing: the prosperity of your company, all staff working smoothly!
人才的競爭日趨激烈,機遇與壓同在。在幾年的大學生活中我以提高自身素質、紮實的專業基礎、成為合格性人才更高準則來要求自己。我深知學海的無涯,更知道面壁十年的意義。。。 。。。
我我是XX大學經濟管理學院酒店管理專業的學生,我叫,願意將二十餘年所積累的學識和鍛鍊的能力貢獻給貴單位,並儘自己最大的所能為貴公司的進步與發展貢獻自己的全部力量。 我深知, 機遇只垂青於有準備的頭腦 。在校期間,我抓住一切機會學習各方面知識,鍛鍊自己各方面的能力,使自己朝著現代社會所需要的具有創新精神的複合型人才發展。我的英語達到六級,計算機通過國家二級、省二級***優秀***,並連年獲得獎學金。努力學習專業知識的同時,我還廣泛涉獵了哲學、法律、文學、經濟學等領域,修完了專業以外其它經濟領域的多門課程,並輔修了經貿英語,自學了第二外語----德語。 在工作中學會工作,在學習中學會學習 。作為一名學生幹部,我更注重自己能力的培養。樂觀、執著、拼搏是我的航標,在險灘處扯起希望的風帆,在激流中凸現勇敢的性格,是我人生的信條。由我創意並組織的多次大型活動得到了老師的認可,同學的讚許,使我以更飽滿的熱情投入到新的挑戰之中,向著更高的目標衝擊。 為了更全面的鍛鍊自己的能力,我利用假期先後在政府機關、企事業單位進行了社會實踐,我的實習論文被評為 優秀實習論文 ,這些經驗為我走入社會,參與商業經營運作奠定了良好的基礎,而且從中學到了如何與人為善、袒露真誠。 在即將走上社會崗位的時候,我毛遂自薦,企盼著以滿腔的真誠和熱情加入貴公司,領略您公司文化之魅力,一傾文思韜略,才賦稟質為您效力。
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