employee's card
Work Permit
鐵路工作證 railway employee's card
接駁工作證 bridging open work permit
組委會工作證 Organizing Committee Member
工作證影印件 Copy of employee's card ; Photocopy of Employee ID
新聞工作證 The work permit ; Press card ; Work permit information
父母工作證 My parent's the working cards
1. He showed his identity card and went in.
2. Application of work visa, work permit and house lease for expatriate staff.
負責為外籍員工及其家屬申請工作簽證, 工作證和房屋租賃合同的簽訂與保管.
3. The staff will work permit as proof of identity. you should keep.
工作證將作為員工身份的證明. 請妥善保管.
4. Marriage certificate is just another word for a work permit.
5. Document examination, such as foreign expert certificate, work permit, student card.
證件檢查, 例如外國專家證 、 工作證 、 學生證等.
6. May I see your ARC and passport please?
我可以看你的工作證及護照 嗎 ?
7. Please show your student's identity card ***'s card ***.
請出示您的學生證 *** 工作證 ***.
8. John's work permit was revoked after six months.
9. Newer versions of the lawyer's practice certificate consists of lawyers and solicitors lawyer license work permit.
10. They can be used to deal with paper card in little middle scale production.
11. Produce your student card of identity card when Borrowing Books . Borrow only Book at a time.
借書時出示學生證或工作證, 每次限借一本.
12. Issues Dapeng key and name card for new employee, as well as employee's card if needed.
為新報到員工製作並簽發門禁卡,更換名牌, 如有需要並簽發工作證.
13. Staff going in and out of the construction site, please wear your ID card.
14. Please advise the Institute methods of identifying your colleagues if no employee are issued to them.
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