


  在可數名詞與不可數名詞上一般出現這樣幾類,***1***分辨是哪一類名詞,並根據結論做選擇。***2***可數名詞複數的不規則變化。***3***不可數名詞的量化表達。所以,考生首先要能夠明確哪些是可數名詞,哪些是不可數名詞。其次,還要知道可數名詞的複數的變化規則。可數名詞的變化規則一般是在單詞後面加-s 或-es,如:

  1desk---desks bed---beds piano---pianos

  hat---hats bag---bags photo---photos

  2bus---buses box---boxes

  watch---watches brush---brushes

  3tomato---tomatoes potato---potatoes

  hero---heroes Negro---Negroes

  4 leaf---leaves knife---knives

  5baby---babies family---families


  Chinese---Chinese Japanese---Japanese

  Englishman---Englishmen Frenchman---Frenchmen

  Russian---Russians American---Americans

  German --- Germans

  child---children foot---feet

  man---men woman---women

  tooth---teeth goose --- geese

  deer---deer sheep---sheep

  還要掌握不可數名詞的量化表達有: a piece of、a bag of、a bottle of、a cup of、a glass of

  另外,大家應注意:單數集合名詞作主語時謂語動詞“數的”變化:單數集合名詞如class, police, family, school, group, team等。儘管形式上是單數,意義上都是複數,因此,一般要與複數謂語動詞連用,例如:

  Class Five have a foreign friend.


  His family are good to me. 他的家人對我很好。***很顯然,這裡的family指家庭成員。***當上述集合名詞著重指“整體”時, 意義上則是單數,因此,要與單數謂語動詞連用。例如,

  Our school team often plays well in our city.

  我們的校隊經常在我們市踢得很好。***這裡的team 指整個隊,但意義上仍為單數,故謂語動詞用plays.


  名詞所有格有兩種形式:一是加‟s,一種是用of來表示。一般情況下,指某人的某物用‟s表示,而指某物的什麼用of 短語來表示。另外,要注意凡是以s結尾的名詞或規則名詞的複數,不能直接加‟s,而應該加-‟即可。例如,boys

  ‟ clothes girls‟ dresses。 不過,注意例外情況,例如, the boss‟s handwriting,其中the boss‟s 的-‟s不可省略。因為在英語中,如果以-s 或-ss 結尾的名詞不是複數複數形式,那麼其名詞所有格仍加-„s。那麼你會說“瓊斯的小汽車”嗎?對,Jones‟s car。


  1. June 1st is ___ Day.

  A. Child‟s B. Childs‟ C. Childrens‟ D. Children‟s


  2. I need ___ paper, Mum. I want to write ___ letter to my English teacher.

  A. any, some B. some, a C. a, some D. some,any


  3. There are two ___ and three ___ on the table.

  A. knifes, forks B. knifes, fork C. knives, forkes D. knives, forks


  4. We have got a lot of___ today.

  A. newspaper to read B. homework to do C. homeworks to do

  D. book to read


  5. We could see __ children and hear ___ noise in the park.

  A. many, many B. much, much C. many, much D. much, many


  6. Will you pass me ___?

  A. a few pieces of chalk B. a few chalks C. a few of chalks

  D. some chalks


  7. ___ has been invited to the dancing party.

  A. A friend of her B. A friend of hers C. Friends of hers

  D. Friends of her



  1. September 10th is ___ Day.

  A. the Teacher B. Teachers‟ C. Teacher D. Teacher‟s


  2. ---Can I help you, sir?

  ---I‟d like to have 100___. I want the students to draw pictures on them.

  A. piece of paper B. pieces of paper C. papers D. paper


  3. ---Would you like ___ milk, please?

  ---No, thank you. I still have some.

  A. some more B. an C. a little of D. all


  4. ___ the old woman is in!

  A. What good health B. How a good health C. What a good health D. How good health 答案:A

  ① What + a***n*** + 形容詞 + 單數名詞 + 主語 + 謂語!

  ② What + 形容詞 + 複數名詞 + 主語 + 謂語!

  ③ What + 形容詞 + 不可數名詞 + 主語 + 謂語!

  ④ How + 形容詞/副詞 + 主語 + 謂語!

  ⑤ How + 形容詞 + a***n*** + 名詞 + 主語 + 謂語!

  ⑥ How + 主語 + 謂語!

  5. I’m going to help ___ with ___ English.

  A. a friend of Nancy, hers B. a friend of Nancy’s, her

  C. a friend of Nancy’s, hers D. a friend of Nancy, her


  6. The two desks here are ___. You may use the desk over there.

  A. Mary and Jane B. Marys and Janes C. Mary and Jane’s

  D. Mary’s and Jane’s



  1. 有些表語形容詞前不可用very,而要用much,very much等副詞,如用much afraid,fast asleep。

  2. alive也可用定語形容詞,常後置。He is the oldest man alive。

  3. 名詞化的形容詞用於指人時,應看作是複數,用於指物時,表示整體抽象概念,應看作是單數,謂語動詞用單三:The old like a quiet place。The unusual is not always the best。

  4. 名詞化的形容詞連在一起使用時可省略冠詞:Old and young should hepl each other。

  5. 當有兩個以上的形容詞用來修飾一名詞時,其順序如下:限定詞***冠詞,物主代詞,指示代詞,不定代詞***→數詞***序數詞,基數詞***→表性質、狀態的描繪形容詞***短語在前,長語在後***→表特徵的形容詞***大小、長短、形狀、新舊、年齡、溫度***→表顏色的形容詞→表屬性的形容詞***包括國籍等專有名詞***→表材料、質地的形容詞→名詞性定語***包括名詞、動名詞***+ 名詞:the last four beautiful big new blue Spanish wooden citizen houses

  6. good的反義詞是bad,而well的反義詞是ill。

  7. elder和eldest是用來表示家族關係的長幼順序,只作定語形容詞。而older和oldest是用來表示年齡的比較,以及事物的新舊,既可作定語形容詞,也可作表語形容詞。

  8. later和latest指時間的先後,但latter和last指順序的先後。

  9. farther和farthest主要反映“距離”或“時間”的比較,表示“較遠的”“最遠的”。而further和furthest主要指“程度”,表示“進一步的”和“最大限度的”。

  10. A 兩者比較,表示一方高於另一方:比較級+than

  B 兩者比較,表示同樣的程度:as + 原級 +as

  C 兩者比較,表示一方不如另一方:not so***as***+原級+as

  D 兩者比較,表示一方程度淺一些:less + 原級 + than

  E 用於三者或三者以上,表示其中一方最„:the + 最高階 + 比較範圍

  11. 某人或某物在與同類相比時,這個“某人或物”應排除在被比者之外,常需用到other,else。


  13. 同一人或物,比較其兩種性質或狀態,不管形容詞是單音節或多音節,一律用more„than:He is more wise than diligent。

  15. already,yet,still


  I have already read the book./ We haven’t made speeches yet./ Is my skirt dry yet?/ I still hope to get some advice from you on my studies.

  16. too,also,as well,either

  前三者意思相近,一般不用於否定句中,否定句中用either。Too常位於名末,也緊接在主語後面;also一般用於肯定句和疑問句中,位於be動詞、情態動詞、助動詞之後,實義動詞之前;as well一般位於句末;either也一般位於句末。 They grow cotton, too./ He his also interested in computers./ He is a teacher, and a poet as well./ You didn’t go and she didn’t go, either.

  17. faily,rather,quite

  A三者都可以修飾形容詞和副詞,都有“相當”的意思,但failry詞義最弱,quite稍強,rather最強。Fairly一般表示肯定、褒義,rather有時表示否定、貶義。It is fairly cool today. It is rather cold today.

  B quite和rather可以修飾動詞,而fairly不能。

  I don’t quite understand what you said./ I rather like the song.

  18. so,neither,nor


  He has seen the film. So have I .

  Jim doesn’t like the novel. Neither ***Nor*** does Linda.

  19. ago, before

  A “時間段+ago”表示從現在往前推算的“一段時間以前”,而“時間段+before”表示從過去某時刻再往前推算的“一段時間以前”。因此,前者常與一般過去時連用,後者常與過去完成時連用。He bought a violin a week ago. From his letter I knew that he had bought a violin a week before

  B before可表示不確定的過去,而ago則不能: Have you been there before?

  20. very, much, very much

  very可修飾形容詞及副詞,不能直接修飾動詞,修飾動詞時,要用much或very much;much除了修飾動詞外,還可修飾形容詞或副詞的比較級及過去分詞;very much也可修飾過去分詞:

  The novel is very good./ This novel is much better than that one. / Her Japanese is improved very much.

  21. 像afraid, alive, awake, asleep, alone以“a”開頭的形容詞,一般不能用very修飾。

  22. deep與deeply都可作副詞,但意義不同:deep指的是深淺的“深”,如:dig deep。Deeply的意思是“塗地、深刻地、深厚地”,有引申含義。如:We are deeply moved by his deeds.

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  23. high與highly都可作副詞,但意義不同。High指的是高低的“高”,如:jump high;highly的意思是“高度地,高貴地”,有引申含義。如:She is highly praised.

  24. not是副詞,不能直接修飾名詞,no是形容詞,能位於名詞前作定語,有時no=not any。如: I have no brothers=I have no any brothers

  25. 某人或某物在與同類比較時,某人或某物應排除在被比者之外:Shanghai is larger than any other city in China. Shanghai is larger than any of the other cities in China.

  26. 用最高階時,主語本身應包括在最高階所指的範圍之中。He is the oldest of all the classmates.


