1. In general, I don’t agree with
2. In my opinion, this point of view doesn’t hold water。
3. The chief reason why… is that…
4.There is no true that…
5. It is not true that…
6. It can be easily denied than…
7. We have no reason to believe that…
8. What is more serious is that…
9. But it is pity that…
10. Besides, we should not neglect that…
11. But the problem is not so simple. Therefore…
12. Others may find this to be true, but I believer that…
13. Perhaps I was question why…
14. There is a certain amount of truth in this, but we still have a problem with regard to…
15. Though we are in basic agreement with…,but
16. What seems to be the trouble is…
17. Yet differences will be found, that’s why I feel that…
18. It would be reasonable to take the view that …, but it would be foolish to claim that…
19. There is in fact on reason for us so believe that…
20. What these people fail to consider is that…
21. It is one thing to insist that… , it is quite another to show that …
22. Wonderful as A is , however, it has its own disadvantages too。
23. The advantages of B are much greater than A。
24. A’s advantage sounds ridiculous when B’s advantages are taken into consideration。
1. It has increased by three times as compared with that of 1998.
2. There is an increase of 20% in total this year。
3. It has been increased by a factor of 4since 1995.
4. It would be expected to increase 5 times。
5. The table shows a three times increase over that of last year。
6. It was decreased twice than that of the year 1996.
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