Strengthening of environmental education to raise environmental awareness of citizens; establishment of an international fund to enable local benefit from the management and protection;
Strengthen forest management and protection, the establishment of nature reserves; selective logging and reforestation of forests combined;
To encourage the protection of sexual exploitation; reduce immigration and farming into the rain forest zone opportunities.
Tropical rain forests are rich for food, medicine and other useful things .
Today , sadly, rain forests are threatened ***威脅*** by such things as acid rainfrom factory smoke emissions ***散發*** around the world and from farm expansion***擴張*** . A lot of rain forests are burned or cut down each year. The land is used for farming of for building factories. Because of the loss of rain forests , 1000 kinds of plants and animals become extinct***滅絕***.
Many people understand the importance of saving the rain forests. Many countries are making rain forests into national parks. Farmers are being taught how to grow crops without hurting the rain forests.
Perhaps you can do something to help protect the rain forests of the earth.
The forest is a valuable wealth of mankind,it will not only provide us with wood and forest products,but also soil and water conservation,water conservation,windbreak and sand play an important style of the protection of agricultural production and improve the rural environment.The fire is the enemy of the forest,it will give people's lives and property caused serious losses,will wreak havoc on the living environment to our production,protection of forest resources is the bounden duty of every citizen.
Now the majority of the people for personal gain,the forest burned trees is about to become extinct,"You see,the mountains bare treeless land,most of which are to be burned to a fast land farming,it burned to destroy the forests,those people are so hateful!I appeal to:
People want to protect the forest,protection forest that the original green,forest also my mother that the original appearance!Let us hand in hand with the protection of forests
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