You heard of "pitiful world parents heart" this famous saying, yes, this quote is a quote about with their parents.
Next, I will give you say my parents.
My parents are very painful, I remember a stormy night, bean big rain to smash the window cracked. At that night, I suddenly shook to whole body after wake up the sleeping mother, a mother took out a thermometer, 39 degrees. At this point it out, hurriedly wake up dad, dad went to the kitchen for fever and water, and after I take, then lying in bed, absently fell asleep. When I woke up, opened his eyes and found parents still beside me watching, there is a kind of say a feeling in my heart. I really thank my parents very much.
Drips of tu, when yongquan, the world's largest kindness, is the parents' support. Is worth we use to cherish life, with a sincere heart to appreciate, with practical action to gratitude.
Now I finally understand "pitiful world parents heart", the meaning of the words, so the world's most precious, the greatest is the parents' love and care. We must be grateful parents grew up.
Be Grateful to Our Parents
Since we were born, many people help us a lot. We should be grateful to their kindness. But the ones we should show our greatest appreciation are our parents. From the first day we appear in their lives, they give us all their love and care, but never expect anything in return. As long as they are there, we do not feel any difficulties, because they are always in front of our shelter, preventing us from difficulties and danger. In order to make our lives better, learn better, they do everything they can to create the best conditions for us, but ignore their own needs. Therefore, we need to cherish parents’ love and repay their upbringing. We should treat them as they treat us.
As students, we all want to get high scores in exams, which requires us trying our best to work. However, some students do not work hard in usual but they still expect good performance. Therefore, some of them choose to cheat in exams. I don’t think it’s a good way. Firstly, it’s not right to cheat, which is a personal quality problem. Secondly, scores do not mean everything. Although you get higher scores by cheating, you can’t get knowledge. Finally, cheating will have a bad impact on you. Teachers and students may look at in different views. Therefore, I don’t agree to cheat in exams. We all should be honest.
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