① Read in English 看英文書
When you want to master a language, you can never read enough.
The easiest way to get started with reading in English rather than your own language is to pick up a non-fiction book on a familiar, interesting topic. Non-fiction tends to be easier to follow than fiction ***fiction authors use tricky words to touch their readers' feelings*** and reading about a familiar topic makes it easier to guess what the author is trying to say to you when you don't quite understand the words he's using. Don't use a dictionary unless you really have to—just skip the parts you don't understand. If you make your reading feel too much like work, you'll lose the fun in it, and the habit of reading won't last for long.
② Listen to native speakers 聽英文演說
If you don't speak English every day, this is rather tricky advice to follow. The Internet comes to rescue here through podcasts and videos from speaking events. Pick your favorite speakers and listen to them deliver their message. You will learn not only about how they use the language, but also how to captivate the audience, and a bit about the topic at hand.
③ When writing in English, think in English 運用英語思維寫作
This is one of the biggest things that separates a decent foreign language writer from a lousy one. The lousy writer thinks in his own language and then tries to translate his thoughts to English. But that simply doesn't work: The idioms, grammar rules, and cultural differences make text written in this manner sound clumsy and unnatural.
④ Write 多寫多練
The best way to learn anything is by throwing yourself out there and practicing. In fact, I would give you the same advice even if you were considering writing in your native language. But of course, it's even more important when writing in some other language.
When you are just starting out with your blogging, you should write something every day to really get your writing routine developed. After a while it's okay to drop the pace a bit—although even then, if you want to become the best at what you do, keeping up the habit of daily writing helps a lot.
Write in different styles: lists, humorous posts, serious posts, interviews, and if you have the time, even text that is completely unrelated to your blog. Just to get more practice.
⑤Trust your gut [內心的感覺] 跟著感覺走
The human brain is an amazing machine.
This can be a bit scary at first as you don't know how you have learned the sayings and word plays you are using, and can't be sure if they are correct or not. Uncertainty is the price you have to pay for trying to learn to use the language in a natural way. You just have to go with your gut and trust your brain when words keep popping up that you didn't know you even knew.
⑥ Proofread 校對
When you have finished writing your article and it seems nearly perfect to you, the next thing to do is to check it for typos, grammar mistakes, and just some plain weird sounding sentences.
The easiest way for checking for typos is to use a spellchecker, but checking for grammar mistakes is a lot trickier. What I do is that I usually check the grammar first in Microsoft Word or just play it by the ear, depending on how much you trust your own English language skills.
And of course, if you want to play it safe, you can always ask one of your English speaking friends to double check your article.
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