common saying
folk adage
粗俗語 vulgar language
英語俗語 Idioms
技術俗語 technical jargon
工程俗語 engineering parlance
美國俗語 american slang
俗語翻譯 folk saying translation
1. As the proverb goes, time is money.
俗語說, 時間就是金錢.
2. The English language possesses a vivid saying to describe this sort of situation.
3. In the jargon, they are all embraced by the term " ground roll ".
在俗語中,可以統稱之為 “ 地滾 ” 波.
4. It is said that one should go abroad to hear news of home.
5. There is a useful German saying, " The trees do not grow up to the sky. "
德國有一句有用的俗語: “ 大樹高不過天 ”.
6. They, as the saying goes, were " at a word and a blow " with their best friends.
正如俗語所說,他們是些 “ 一言不和就拔刀相向 ” 的傢伙, 連對他們的知己朋友也沒有例外.
7. Did I make another Idiomatic mistake?
8. As a proverb says, books and friends should be few but good.
俗語說, 讀書如交友,應求少而精.
9. Common saying is the live fossil about national culture.
10. Occasionally, he is wearing a blindfold symbolizing the saying, Love is blind.
他有時會帶眼罩,象徵俗語所說: “愛情是盲目的”.
11. Therefore they say, " Is Saul also among the prophets? "
因此有句 俗語 說 、 掃羅也列在先知中 麼 .
12. Sayings in British English are supplemented by American English and other expressions.
13. And herein is that saying true , One soweth, and another reapeth.
俗語說 、 那人撒種、這人收割、這話可見是真的.
14. For here the saying is verified that'One sows and another reaps.
15. I attended a quiet wedding which was obvious a shotgun marriage one.
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