



  Before I was five years old, my parents gave me what I wanted, but as I became bigger, they changed their attitude towards me. My parents no longer satisfy me with all I want. When I want to buy a new dress, my mother won’t buy for me directly, she asks me to do something to exchange for it. Such as doing the housework or making progress in the study. What’s more, when I meet the difficulties, my parents won’t solve them for me immediately, instead, they will leave me to think about them and help me to solve them. What my parents do to me is right, it is my road to grow up.



  From 2005 to 2008, I spent my college life in Hunan First Normal College. Reminding my college life, I think it was of great significance.


  When I was in college, I studied very hard. As a major of English, I often practiced my oral English. Every time, I could think in English. After thinking and expressed my thoughts to others in English. Although sometimes I couldn't speak English so freely, other people still appreciated me, because of my confidence.

  我在大學的時候,很努力學習。因為是英語專業,我經常聯絡英語口語。 每一次,我能用英語的方式來思考。在思考之後我會把我的想法用英語表達給其他人。雖然有時我英語說得不是很流利,其他人還是很欣賞我,因為我的信心。

  In English class, I was always the first one to open my mouth, so my teachers always praised me for my good pronunciation, and my classmates also admired me for my courage. It seemed as if I were on top of the world.


  However, I have few chances to speak English now, because my job has nothing to do with English. What a great pity! How I wish to work with foreigners, so that I can use my great English.



  1. 很多的大學生畢業後留在大城市工作;

  2. 也有人選擇到小城鎮開始自己的職業生涯;

  3. 結合自己的實際情況談談自己的想法。

  Want to be a small fish in a big pond or the other way round? Every graduate faces this question when starting his career. A large number of college graduates prefer to stay in big cities, which mean more experiences, more opportunities to see the big world and more space for career development. At the same time, higher salary is another temptation。

  But some other graduates intend to start in small towns. Even though there may not be many big companies, they can have a quieter and less competitive life. Another reason is that they can be a big fish in a small pond. They can easily get the management’s attention and may win promotion earlier。

  As far as I am concerned, I prefer to start in a metropolis like Shanghai. A good begin is half the battle, and in Shanghai I can find a job in a big company where I can meet people from different places and cultures. I will learn from them what I can not get from textbooks.