



  1. 開頭段:

  When talked about -----, the overwhelming majority of people are of the opinion that---- but others think a little bit differently that -----

  There has been a heated discussion about -----Some people think that -----***正觀點***, others, however, are of the opinion that -----***反觀點***

  2. 中間段:

  Those who argue that ----***正觀點*** have the reasons as follows.

  First, ------ Second, ------ Third/Besides, ------

  Others also have their own opinions.***反觀點***

  On the one hand, -----

  On the other hand, -----

  Last but not the least, -----

  3. 結尾段:

  TO sum up, I hold that -----***正反觀點隨便選一種,正觀點為多數,或者說箇中立的觀點***

  In conclusion, -----***同上***

  In summary, -----

  From what's said above, I'd like to bring my story to a conclusion that -----


  1. 開頭:

  As is vividly/symbolically shown/described/depicted/illustrated/revealed in the drawings/photos/pictures, we can find with ease that-----***據圖所示,我們可以很清楚地看出……***

  2. 中間:由上述所表示的情況寫出現象背後的本質

  3. 結尾:提出自己的想法***解決方法、辦法或手段***

  Under such circumstances, we ought to take drastic measures to lessen the phenomenon. Only in this way can the problem be solved.


  1. 開頭:說明寫信/通知等的目的

  2. 中間:有補充地翻譯提綱***要有所擴充套件和延伸***

  3. 結尾:固定結構***再次感謝、道歉,或希望參加活動等***
