


  Women who drank three or more cups of coffee a day were 30 percent less likely to havememory decline at age 65 than whose who drank one cup or less daily. And the benefitincreased with age. Women over age 80 who drank three or more cups of coffee a day wereabout 70 percent less likely to have memory decline than those who drank one cup or less. theresearchers said.

  Caffeinated tea had the same effect in the women. the study found, although more was neededto get the same caffeine boost. "Count roughly two cups of tea for a cup of coffee," said studyleader Karen Ritchie of INSERM, the French National Institute for Health and Medical Research.

  But the researchers didn't find a similarly protective effect in men, although other studies havefound a benefit to males.

  How might caffeine help ward off cognitive decline? "It is a cognitive stimulant." saidRitchie. It also helps to reduce levels of the protein called beta amyloid in the brain. she said. "whose accumulation is responsible for Alzheimer's disease but which also occurs in normalaging."

  Ritchie said she wasn't sure why men in the study didn't benefit from caffeine. "Ourhypothesis is that either women metabolize caffeine differently than men, or there may be aninteraction of the caffeine with the sex hormones.the estrogen-progesterone balance," shesaid.

  The French study confirms previous research, said William Scott. professor of medicine at theUniversity of Miami Miller School of Medicine. who has researched caffeine's beneficial effectsagainst Parkinson's disease, also a neurodegenerative disorder.

  As for caffeine only protecting women, Scott noted that just 2,800 of the 7,000 studyparticipants were men. and the results might have differed if more men were included.

  A study published in February in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition looked at 676healthy men and found that regular coffee drinkers had a lower rate of cognitive decline overa 10-year follow-up than those who didn't drink coffee. Those who drank three cups daily hadthe least signs of decline.

  Both Scott and Ritchie agreed that more study is needed. Ritchie's research will next look at therelationship between caffeine and Alzheimer's.


  1. As it is indicated in the l st paragraph, how does coffee influence women’smemory?

  A*** The older the woman was. the more remarkable her memory was.

  B*** The more coffee the woman drank, the more slowly her memory declined.

  C*** The older the woman was, the more slowly her memory declined.

  D*** The more coffee the woman drank. the more remarkable her memory was.

  2. What is true about caffeinated tea?

  A*** It affected women’s memory in the same manner as coffee.

  B*** It influenced women’s memory as effectively as coffee.

  C*** It boosted women’s memory in the same rate as coffee.

  D*** It contained che same amount of caffeine as coffee.

  3. According to Ritchie. Alzheimer's disease is resulted from________________.

  A*** the lack of caffeine in the brain

  B*** the accumulation of beta amyloid

  C***high level of proteins in the brain

  D*** abnormal metabolism in normal aging

  4. William Scott would most probably agree that caffeine helped_______________.

  A*** reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease

  B*** retard the process of cognitive decline

  C*** balance the production of female hormones

  D*** protect both men and women from diseases

  5. What was the author's attitude towards the research of caffeine's beneficial effecton men7

  A*** Doubtful.

  B*** Convinced.

  C*** Matter-of-fact.

  D*** Cautious.







  [C]首段第2句概括了該段的主要內容,句中的benefit指的是記憶衰退的減緩。因此本段內容為:年齡越長,記憶衰退就比同齡人越慢, 即C。本段關注的是咖啡影響記憶的衰退程度,而非咖啡是否能增強記憶,A.D***記憶力的好壞***在本段並未論及;雖然本段對比了喝三杯或更多咖啡的女性與喝一杯或更少的女性的記憶衰退程度,但這並不意味著咖啡喝得越多越好,因此,B、D中的the more coffee the woman drank這個前提不正確,故兩項均錯。






  [A]第2段首句中的the same effect與上一段提到的benefit所指相同,故本句表明含咖啡因的茶和咖啡以同樣的機制影響女性的記憶衰退程度,選A。第2段首句中although引出的讓步狀語從句表明咖啡的作用比茶明顯。因此B不正確,這樣看來,D***茶和咖啡含有同量的咖啡因***也是不正確的;C針對的是增強記憶,而非其衰退程度,不符合文章的論點,也不正確。






  [B]第4段末句中的beta amyloid...whose accumulation is responsible for Alzheimer's disease表明B為本題答案。本題根據Ritchie和Alzheimer's定位原文後。答案就不難找到。

  4.William Scott最有可能同意的是,咖啡因能幫助__________________。





  [B]第6段首句開頭的The French study confirms previous research表明斯科特認同了法國人的研究結果,即咖啡因能減緩記憶衰退,因此本題選B。第4段提及咖啡因可以降低導致老年痴呆症的β澱粉酶的水平,但要注意的是,該段末也有提及老年痴呆症在正常的老化過程中也會出現,這意味著老年痴呆症也可能與β澱粉酶無關,那麼,對於不是由β澱粉酶引起的老年痴呆症,咖啡因就不起作用了,強幹擾項A的說法過於片面,可排除。





