She, one of my best friends. Short black hair, sending out the "garden of Eden" unique aroma. Often will twinkle in the eyes for eyes. Not wear skirts, even since the childhood through only one skirt. Only wear a T-shirt, pants, thick cotton-padded jacket... Image of a tomboy. In order to also make it a joke in distress situation.
She and I are on the way to the zhongshan park, the front have a crossing. "Red light, wait!" Always abide by the traffic of the specification I, as always pull stopped beside her.
At this time, the traffic wardens slowly coming to us, parked in front of us, up and down with us. "He wanted to why ah? Always staring at us, what to do?" A word is a kind of say a feeling.
Suddenly comes to her in a word, is really let me surprise. "You are a man or a woman?" Although I can see that he didn't mean it, but always said this should worry about other people's feelings. Look back slightly back and she, a face the embarrassment of red face. Went on to say that come out is scratching edge, "I thought that you two are brother and sister?
She, a kind of "child", never grow up, can not let a person want to put her hands in the heart. Persistent, wrong, should be stubborn, is her personality. It's not, another thing let me helpless...
"I wrote a letter to you, don't forget to go home and open the email..." Don't want to know this sentence is from the "naivety" of her. The words sound just fell, I slowly raised his head, and a lazy facial expression in facial expansion drive slowly, "please! Who are now in the 21st century, with his hand still write ah, can you modern ***modern*** a little."
She immediately made a look of anger and mixed with disdain. I can't stand her to do the most in this expression, not because I was afraid of her angry, but because she do the expression will let me have a kind of inarticulate afflictive, "okay, I got home to open the email, the line, happy......" . "That's more like it," managed to send her away, otherwise, sometime is when her bother, I can't stand her fatigue bombing.
My best friend. Her voice, gestures, like flipping the stain, lingering in my mind.
She is plain, is always dressed in a white sportswear. Her name is meaningful because she likes to eat "is green didn't eat, eat is red, spit it out is black, watermelon." As a result, her name is chancy.
She studies very well. An enviable, many people because the wrestled with her. Read English in a cram school teacher roll call to let her. She picked up the English book from the table, straightened up, use the read out loud voice. She gracefully, articulate, read smoothly, their English. Chancy not only a good knowledge of English, mathematics or envy letting a person. The test, I got a step careless, at sixes and sevens. And she is easily captured the first. Class is to encourage me, help me solve problems you do not understand. Gradually, we both became best friends. Play together, study together, talk together. The sunset is always our shadows lengthen.
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