


  一. 主語從句


  1. It 作形式主語和it引導強調句的比較

  It 作形式主語代替主語從句,主要是為了平衡句子結構,主語從句的連線詞沒有變化。而it引導的強調句則是對句子某一部分進行強調,無論強調的是什麼成分,都可用連詞that。被強調部分指人時也可用who/whom。例如:

  a*** It is a pity that you didn’t go to see the film. 你不去看那場電影真可惜。

  b*** It doesn’t interest me whether you succeed or not. 我對你成功與否不感興趣。

  c*** It is in the morning that the murder took place. 謀殺案是在早上發生的。***強調句型***

  d*** It is John that broke the window. 是John打碎的窗戶。***強調句型***

  2. 用it 作形式主語的結構

  ***1*** It is + 名詞 + 從句

  It is a fact that … 事實是…

  It is an honor that …非常榮幸

  It is common knowledge that …是常識

  ***2*** It is + 形容詞 + 從句

  It is natural that… 很自然…

  It is strange that… 奇怪的是…

  ***3*** It is + 不及物動詞 + 從句

  It seems that… 似乎…

  It happened that… 碰巧…

  It appears that… 似乎…

  ***4*** It + 過去分詞 + 從句

  It is reported that… 據報道…

  It has been proved that… 已證實…

  It is said that… 據說…

  3. 主語從句不可位於句首的五種情況:

  ***1***if 引導的主語從句不可居於複合句句首。

  ***2***It is said /reported…結構中的主語從句不可提前。例如:

  正確表達:It is said that President Jiang will visit our school next week.

  錯誤表達:That President Jiang will visit our school next week is said.

  ***3***It happens/occurs…結構中的主語從句不可提前。例如:

  正確表達:It occurred to him that he failed in the examination.

  錯誤表達:That he failed in the examination occurred to him.

  ***4***It doesn’t matter how/whether …結構中的主語從句不可提前。例如:

  正確表達:It doesn’t matter whether he is wrong or not.

  錯誤表達:Whether he is wrong or not doesn’t matter.


  正確表達:Is it likely that it will rain in the evening?

  錯誤表達:Is that will rain in the evening likely?

  4. what 與that 在引導主語從句時的區別

  what 引導主語從句時在句時在從句中充當句子成分,如主語.賓語.表語,而that 則不然。例如:

  a*** What you said yesterday is right.

  b*** That she is still alive is a consolation


  賓語從句就是在複合句中作賓語的名詞性從句,通常放在主句謂語動詞 ***及物動詞*** 或介詞之後。

  1. 作動詞的賓語

  ***1*** 由that引導的賓語從句***that通常可以省略***, 例如:

  I heard that be joined the army. 我聽說他參軍了。

  ***2*** 由what, whether ***if*** 引導的賓語從句,例如:

  a*** She did not know what had happened.她不知道發生了什麼。

  b*** I wonder whether you can change this note for me. 我想知道你是否能幫我改一下筆記。

  ***3*** 動詞+間接賓語+賓語從句。例如:

  She told me that she would accept my invitation. 她對我說她會接受我的邀請。

  2. 作介詞的賓語,例如:

  Our success depends upon how well we can cooperate with one another. 我們的成功取決於我們之間的合作。

  3. 作形容詞的賓語,例如:

  I am afraid ***that*** I’ve made a mistake. 我恐怕我已經犯了一個錯誤。

  注意:that 引導的從句常跟在下列形容詞後作賓語:anxious, aware,

  certain, confident, convinced, determined, glad, proud, surprised, worried,

  sorry, thankful, ashamed, disappointed, annoyed, pleased, hurt, satisfied,



  1. It 作形式主語和it引導強調句的比較。

  It 作形式主語代替主語從句,主要是為了平衡句子結構,主語從句的連線詞沒有變化。而it引導的強調句則是對句子某一部分進行強調,無論強調的是什麼成分,都可用連詞that。被強調部分指人是也可用who/whom。


  It is a pity that you didn’t go to see the film.

  It doesn’t interest me whether you succeed or not.

  It is in the morning that the murder took place.

  It is John that broke the window.

  2. 用it 作形式主語的結構。

  ***1*** It is +名詞+從句

  It is a fact that … 事實是…

  It is an honor that …非常榮幸

  It is common knowledge that …是常識

  ***2*** it is +形容詞+從句

  It is natural that… 很自然…

  It is strange that… 奇怪的是…

  ***3*** it is +不及物動詞+從句

  It seems that… 似乎…

  It happened that… 碰巧…

  ***4*** it +過去分詞+從句

  It is reported that… 據報道…

  It has been proved that… 已證實…

  3. 主語從句不可位於句首的五種情況。

  ***1*** if 引導的主語從句不可居於複合句句首。

  ***2*** It is said , ***reported*** …結構中的主語從句不可提前。


  It is said that President Jingo will visit our school next week. ***right***

  That President Jiang will visit our school next week is said. ***wrong***

  ***3*** It happens…, It occurs… 結構中的主語從句不可提前。


  It occurred to him that he failed in the examination. ***right***

  That he failed in the examination occurred to him. ***wrong***

  ***4*** It doesn’t matter how/whether …結構中的主語從句不可提前。


  It doesn’t matter whether he is wrong or not. ***right***

  Whether he is wrong or not doesn’t matter. ***wrong***

  ***5*** 含主語從句的複合句是疑問句時,主語從句不可提前。


  Is it likely that it will rain in the evening? ***right***

  Is that will rain in the evening likely? ***wrong***

  4. What 與that 在引導主語從句時的區別。

  What 引導主語從句時在句時在從句中充當句子成分,如主語.賓語.表語,而that 則不然。


  1*** What you said yesterday is right.

  2*** That she is still alive is a consolation.



  1. 作動詞的賓語。

  ***1*** 由that引導的賓語從句***that 通常可以省略***


  I heard that be joined the army.

  ***2*** 由what, whether ***if*** 引導的賓語從句


  1*** She did not know what had happened.

  2*** I wonder whether you can change this note for me.

  ***3*** 動詞+間接賓語+賓語從句


  She told me that she would accept my invitation.