










  What is your father? He is a doctor.


  Who is that boy? He is my brother

  3***詢問相貌特徵 4***詢問目的

  What is she like?=What does she look like? What did they come here for?

  She is beautiful. To attend a meeting.

  5***詢問原因 6***詢問天氣

  Why did they come here? How is the weather today?

  Because they have a meeting to attend. = What is the weather like today?

  7***詢問顏色 8***詢問尺寸

  What dolor is her skirt? What size does he wear?

  It’s red. He wars 40.

  9***詢問鐘點 10***詢問星期

  What time is it? What day is it today?

  It’s 7:30. It’s Tuesday.

  11***詢問幾號 12***詢問年齡

  What is the date today? How old is he?

  It’s May 2. He is 38.

  13***詢問多久 14***詢問長度

  How long have you been here? How long is the bridge?

  For five months. It’s 500 metres.

  15***詢問距離 16***詢問頻度

  How far is it from here to the zoo? How often do you come back?

  It’s 6 kilometres. Once a week.

  17***詢問多快 18***詢問數量

  How soon will she arrive? How many jackets do you have?

  In an week. How much coffee do you want?

  19***詢問價格 20***詢問高度

  How much is it? How tall is she?

  How much does it cost? How high is the tower?



  1.What’s your favorite subject?你最喜歡的學科是什麼?


  例如:My favorite subject is English.***定語***我最喜歡的學科是英語。

  The book is my favorite***表語***。這本書是我最喜歡的。


  例如:The girl is a favorite.此女孩是受人歡迎得人。

  2.Then make your own conversation.然後自編一組對話。


  1*** make sb. do sth.讓某人做某事。如:He makes me work all day.他讓我整天工作。

  2*** make sb. /sth+形容詞。如:Let’s make our class clean.咱們把教室打掃乾淨吧!

  3*** Make after sb追求某人

  make friends交朋友

  make tea/coffee沏茶/泡咖啡,

  make a coat 做衣服

  make the bed鋪床

  make meal/breakfast/supper/lunch/dinner 做飯/早餐/晚飯/午飯/正餐 。

  3.Why do you like math? 你為什麼喜歡數學?

  釋:這是以why 引導的特殊疑問句,why 引導的特殊疑問句是就原因進行提問的,因此


  例如:-Why do you like P.E? 你為什麼喜歡體育?

  -Because it’s fun. 因為它有趣。

  4.Who is your science teacher?你的自然老師是誰?

  釋:這是以who 引導的特殊疑問句, 如果疑問代詞是問句的主語或以“疑問形容詞+名詞”為問句的主語,這個問句就用正常的陳述句語序。

  例如:Who is your teacher? 誰是你的老師?

  5.My science teacher is Mr Wang.我的自然老師是王先生。

  釋:在句中Mr. Wang為稱呼語,稱呼語要放在問候語之後,前面要加逗號。Mr.意為“先生”,是Mister的縮寫形式,第一個字母須大寫,不能單獨使用,必須和姓連用,放在姓前面,這一點與漢語不同。

  注:Mr.先生、Miss小姐***未婚女子***、Ms女士***已婚或婚否不明***三者都習慣於人的姓之前稱呼。如:Mr. Wang王先生, Miss Green格林小姐, Ms Mary 瑪莉女士。這種表達形式與漢語語序不同,絕不能把“王先生”說成Wang Mr.,“格林小姐”說成Green Miss,“瑪莉女士”Mary Ms。使用Mr.、Miss和 Ms三詞時第一個字母要大寫。當稱呼某某老師時,常用這三個詞。如:“高老師”要說Mr.***Miss,Ms*** Gao ,而不能說Teacher Gao 和Gao Teacher。

  6 What’s your mother’s favourite color?你媽媽最喜歡的顏色是什麼?

  釋:句中的mother’s 是名詞所有格,意為 “母親的” ,名詞所有格是在表示有生命的名詞末尾加“s”,表示“……的”,其變化規則如下:

  ***1***單數名詞和不以“s”結尾的人名後,加“s”,如:the girl’s name女孩的名字。

  ***2***在以“-s”結尾的單數名詞後加“’”,如:marks’ desk 麥克斯的書桌。

  ***3***在規則的複數名詞的“-s”後面加所有格符號“’”。如:Students’ books學生的書。

  ***4***在沒有“-s”結尾的複數名詞後用所有格用“’s”的形式。如:Children’s Day 兒童節。

  ***5***兩人共同擁有的人或物,如:Lucy and lily’s mother 露西和莉的媽媽。

  不是兩人共同擁有的人或物,如:Lucy’s and WeiHua’s mothers 露西和偉華的媽媽們.

  7. It’s Tuesday, November11.今天是11月11日,星期四。



  *** ***1. It’s very kind ____ you ____ help me.

  A. of; for B. to; do C. of; to D. for; for

  分析:C 本題考查常用句型It’s ***very*** kind/nice of sb. to do sth. 選C。

  *** ***2. —Could you ask her ____ me back, please? I have something to tell her.


  A. call B. to call C. calling D. call to

  分析:B本題通過上下文語境考查固定片語ask sb. to do sth.“請求某人做某事”的用法,選B。

  *** ***3. —I don’t like the green coat.

  —____ the red one?

  A. What’s B. Where’s C. What about D. How

  分析:C本題通過語境考查徵詢別人意見或建議的句子, “……怎麼樣?”用What/How

  about ... ? 因此選C。

  *** ***4. I like these shoes. Can I ____?

  A. try it on B. try them on C. try on it D. try on them

  分析:B shoes是複數, 其代詞賓格應為them, try on 跟代詞時, 代詞應放在try和on中間, 故選B。

  *** ***5. —Would you like to go out for a picnic tomorrow?

  —Yes, I’d love to.

  —Don’t forget ____ some drinks.

  A. bringing B. to bring C. taking D. to take

  分析:B本題通過語境考查forget的用法以及bring與take的區別。forget to do sth. 忘記做某事***未做***;forget doing sth.“忘記做過某事***已做*** ”。bring為“取來, 拿來”之意。take為“拿走”之意。根據語境:“記得帶些飲料去野餐”, 因此選B。

  *** ***6. That coat is nice and I’ll ____ it.

  A. try B. take C. want D. put

  分析:B根據語境, 此題指購物時買下某物的說法。在購物時, 要買下某物時常說

  I’ll/We’ll take ... 因此選B。

  *** ***7. —What time is it?

  —It’s ____.

  A. four four-five B. a quarter to five

  C. three quarters past four D. forty-five four

  分析:B根據時間表達法, B應是正確答案。另一種表達為four forty-five。

  *** ***8. —Could you help me, please?

  —Sure. What would you like me ____?

  A. do B. to do C. doing D. does

  分析:B本題考查would like sb. to do sth. 的用法, 它的意思是“想讓某人做某事”, 因此選B。

  *** ***9. —Do you want ____ with me?

  —Yes, I do.

  A. to do any shopping B. do any shopping

  C. to do some shopping D. do some shopping

  分析:本題考查want to do sth. 和do some shopping的用法, 在疑問句和否定句中some不需變成any。

  *** ***10. I don’t have ____ apple juice, but I have ____ orange juice.

  A. any; some B. some; some C. any; any D. some; any

  分析:A 本題考查some與any的基本用法。some與any都作“一些”講的時候, some一般用於肯定句;any一般用於否定句、條件句、疑問句中。但在表示徵詢意見或建議的疑問句中常用some而不用any。