
  在緊張的備考過程中,一定少不了一些試題卷的題海戰術。所以,認真地對待每一份試卷吧!你真的可以從中收穫不少呢!以下是由小編收集整理的三年級英語上冊unit 4-6單元測試卷,歡迎閱讀!

  三年級英語上冊unit 4-6單元測試卷



  *** ***1. A. cat B. pet C. rabbit

  *** ***2. A. snake B. duck C. tiger

  *** ***3. A. shorts B. socks C. shoes

  *** ***4. A. sweater B. trousers C. jacket

  *** ***5. A. June B. July C. January

  *** ***6. A. September B. November C. December

  *** ***7. A. May B. March C. February *** ***8. A. cap B. coat C. gloves

  *** ***9. A. August B. April C. October

  *** ***10.A. small B. long C. tail


  June turtle birthday wear should

  *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

  February first soon dance delicious

  *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***


  *** ***1.A. It has red eyes. B. It has long ears. C. It has long body.

  *** ***2. A. I like my snake. B. I like my turtle. C. I like my chicken.

  *** ***3. A. You should wear your gloves. B. You should wear your shoes.

  C. You should wear your dress.

  *** ***4. A. My birthday is in July. B. My birthday is in June.

  C. My birthday is in April .

  *** ***5. A. I wear my cap and gloves. B. I wear my cap and trousers.

  C. I wear my coat and sweater.



  S_ pte_ber***九月*** t_o_sers ***褲子*** _urt_e***海龜***

  F_ br_ ary***二月*** s_e_ter ***毛衣*** ch_c_en***小雞***


  *** ***1. A. July B. June C. jacket

  *** ***2. A. November B. teacher C. December

  *** *** 3. A. small B. long C. dance

  *** ***4. A. cap B. cat C. gloves

  *** ***5. A. cotton B. wool C. wear

  六. 選擇題,讀下列句子,將正確序號填在題前的括號裡。***10分***

  *** ***1.What does it look like? Ht

  A. She is big. B. It has small eyes. C. It's has long ears.

  *** ***2. My dress is made ______silk.

  A. on B. at C. of

  *** ***3. My birthday is ______ August.

  A. on B. in C. at

  *** ***4. Here’s some cake __________ you.

  A. to B. for C. at

  *** ***5.You have PE day. You should wear your __________.

  A. sweater B. loves C. sports shoes


  When is your birthday? A. I have a dog.

  What pet do you have? B.You should wear your sweater in winter.

  What should I wear in winter? C. My birthday is in November.

  What does it look like? D. Yes, it is.

  Is your birthday in May? E. It's yellow.

  八. 英漢互譯。***8分***

  1. When is your birthday? ____________________________________________

  2. What does it look like? ____________________________________________

  3. What should I wear today? ____________________________________________

  4. I have a pet. It’s a duck. ___________________________________________

  九.閱讀理解,判斷對錯,對的打“T”,錯的打“F”。 ***10分***

  Hello, my name is Jack. I’m 9 years old. My birthday is in December. My dad is a policeman. He is tall. My mom is a English teacher. She has long hair and big eye. She is beautiful. My favorite season is spring. I can fly a kite and play football. I have a rabbit. It’s white. It likes to eat grass***青草***. I love it very much.

  *** *** 1. Jack is 10 years old.

  *** *** 2. Jack’s birthday is in May.

  *** *** 3. Jack’s mom has short hair.

  *** *** 4. His dad is tall.

  *** *** 5. His mom is an English teacher.

  *** *** 6. Jack’s favorite season is summer

  *** *** 7. Jack has a dog

  *** *** 8. Jack can play football in spring.

  *** *** 9..Jack’s dad is a teacher.

  *** *** 10. He loves his rabbit.




